Anyone not had jabs?

I have nothing else to add apart from reiterating what the others have already said. At the end of the day LO is yours, not a family members and you have to care for her and make decisions that you feel comfortable with. While I whole heartedly agree with the children's vaccinations the flu jab has thrown me, and 14 weeks on I am still undecided about the risks/benefits... it is really hard work being a parent!

Id like to know what this is based on. Why people who arent medically trained nor have done any research seem to disbelieve recommendations that are made my people who know what they're talking about. What are they saying the harm will come with the jabs?

If we are back to the old Mmr jab causing autism i still stand by my thought of so what? At least your kid will be alive.

All i know is i had to have a measles jab before entering the UK which goes to show disease has not been eradicated here. Its thriving.

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
If you do decide to space them out longer, the #1 to get first is whatever has pertussis included. It is absolutely a disease you do not want your child having. Here in the US, it's spreading again because of the non-jab people making it seem as if these diseases are so rare that there is no reason to vax. There have been several outbreaks here that were quite deadly.
If you do decide to space them out longer, the #1 to get first is whatever has pertussis included. It is absolutely a disease you do not want your child having. Here in the US, it's spreading again because of the non-jab people making it seem as if these diseases are so rare that there is no reason to vax. There have been several outbreaks here that were quite deadly.

Unfortunately this is what people don't realise when not getting the immunisations one way or the other... diseases have become almost none existent for the one reason of an effective immunisation plan.... there may be fund set up and processes to support those who are affected adversely by the vaccines... but that is because unfortunately, although the risk is minute, there is one, from a cost point of view (as things tend to come down to) it is cheaper to care for these children/individuals than the consequences (financially and emotionally) of not having the vaccine.... I would still rather my child didn't get any of the diseases that we have methods to prevent
I used to look after teenagers with severe learning disabilities, including some who had got severe brain injuries from meningitis or measles. I just can't understand why anyone would risk these outcomes for their child when the risks associated with vaccination are so tiny and in many cases unproven.

Carrie x
I am all for vaccinations.
They arent eradicated, just more controlled. I know a boy who was vaccinated but still got mumps twice. Plus seeing children who have had meningitis and lost limbs make me so sad, so anything that can give us a chance to save my baby girl from that heart ache is worth doing xx

My fat fingers can't spell! x
I also agree that any perceived risk to having the jabs far outweigh the risks of not having them. Greyson has had them and he suffered no ill effects.

Although I have to say - this is a 4 year old topic so I'm sure the OP has decided one way or the other!!!!
Vaccination is a bit controversial these days. I personally think that it's not as necessary as claimed by most doctors. And that's not only because most diseases disappear.

Doctors would say that we don't see many infectious diseases because of vaccination. But often they forget to mention that over the last 100 years there have been significant improvement in nutrition and hygiene. These two factors may have played bigger role in eliminating infectious diseases than the vaccination...
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Personally I think vaccinations are very important. I'd rather take any small risk associated with them than the bigger risk of not. Just look at the measles outbreak! x
My older two have had all their jabs. This is our third and with her second lot of jabs about 5 hours later she went floppy, white, eyes rolling, unresponsive and couldn't tell if she was breathing. Her sats were 80% on arriving at hospital. The doctors can't tell me if this was jab related or just forgetting to breath. I'm not against jabs but have no idea what to do about the third lot due now! They'll be done in hospital but still doesn't reassure me. It'll be 3 jabs. I'm so stressed worrying about what to do!!! She really scared us xxx
Don't feel guilty you would feel much more guilty if you LO got one of the diseases the jabs are there to prevent. You have to be cruel to be kind x
I'm in an awful situation in that my OH is heavily against vaccinations and wants to wait until our son is 6 months old before getting them. I don't know what to do, I want him to be protected against diseases, but if I had them done me and OH would probably split up - that's how against it he is :(
I pretty much have to choose between having a family or vaccinating my child. Just need some support because I can't talk to my family or friends about it as they'd get really angry at OH and it'd cause massive arguments. Just feel so helpless! xo

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