Second jabs-after effects?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
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Kathryn had her second set of jabs yesterday and seemed to be running a temperature last night. Gave her Calpol and she slept a little worse than normal. Today she's been very whingy and has struggled to feed- refusing the breast after as little as 5 minutes and bringing up much more than she ever does after a massive feed.

Are these common after effects of the jabs and if yes, how long can I expect them to go on for?
I'm not sure about the second set of jabs but my LO has shown similar signs. He is that hot he can't wear any clothes at the moment, not even a vest. He will just end up soaking wet it we put him in clothes. He is currently on a 5oz bottle and is only taking 2oz's and leaving the rest. It has been like that since he had his jabs a week ago. I gave him calpol and he just spat it out! So I don't know what to do!
It is worrying. I should have asked the nurse what possible side effects there might be but as Kathryn was fine after her first injections I thought she would be fine this time too.

Have you been to see your health visitor? That's my next stop if Kathryn is still under the weather in a few days.
I have only ever seen my HV once and that was just to get our details. She failed to show everytime she had an appointment with us. I will be going to the docs withy him I think if he doesn't start to get better in the next few days. Hope your little one gets better soon too hun x
Soverign that's awful about the HV- did you ring up your clinic to complain? I know HV are only technically meant to see us once before and twice after the birth in the first 3 months but they should still be available if you need advice. I think it's disgusting that your HV didn't even show for one of the scheduled appointments- it's in those first few weeks you really need the support!

Kathryn had a better night last night and is just about back to her normal self. Still some issues when feeding but she doesn't seem hungry so I'm not worrying.

Good idea about going to drs- they will be able to advise you. hope you LO gets well soon

Its a bit late now, but I was just gonna say Eva had a terrible day the day after her 2nd jabs too, her legs looked so sore and she was very grumpy and hot. We gave her calpol a few times, next time I think I will give her some before her jabs too. Poor little babes, guess they have a bigger reaction once they have a bit of resistance from the last lot? :(

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