Anyone lost weight.?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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I've lost 1.5 stone since I got my Bfp. Not intentionally I hasten to add. To be fair I have a high Bmi so I think it's the combination of trying to eat healthier for bubs and MS which is the cause. I ran it by my consultant yesterday and she seemed unconcerned because for one I could do with losing the weight and two all my bloods and urine are normal.

Just wondered if anyone else has seen weight loss too? I also think that I get full quicker and am having smaller portions. Twice I've been out for beautiful Sunday roast and only managed half of it (DH was on hand to finish the rest!).
When a first fell pregnant a lost stone a think normal a went of most me foods and was sleeping alltime but mention ur mw anyway Hun x
I lost weight too cos I had a fear of eating solids due to being sick all the time, so only ate soups, I lost half a stone.
I've put it all bk on since the sickness eased up tho. I wouldn't worry x
Yep I've lost over a stone too.......not that it really notices being a larger lady anyway!!

MW was not concerned .............................. but nothing concerns her apart from my age apparantly!!!
I lost over a stone in tri 1, I just couldn't face food. It gradually comes back on in tri 2 though so don't worry, I've got another 4lb to go till I'm back to normal but I'm off on holiday this weekend so it's bound to come back quickly then!
I've def found I can't eat the same portion size, I'm starving hungry but stuffed after a few mouthfuls, then hungry again 2 hours later. I wonder if it's the hormones that affect your gut relaxation along with ms? Lost a few pounds in early days but levelled out having been on holiday!
I never weigh myself, don't want to get depressed, but looking at recent holiday pictures, I think I might have lost some weight. Not in the tummy area though!
I gained weight right away, but now it's dropping a little, only 1-2 lbs.. My BMI is around 23, and a fair bit of that is muscle too.. so I guess even though I wouldn't mind weighing less, babywise I'm at a good weight :p

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