anyone know about baby aspirin to prevent miscarriage?


Jul 26, 2015
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So I had a miscarriage in February. Now I'm 5+4 pregnant and my HCG is low...and I'm wondering if baby aspirin is a good plan. It seems pretty amazing from everything I've read. But I am in Jordan right now, where the lowest dose I can buy is 100mg. Most places I've read say to take 75mg, but that's just not available here.
Right now, I've just read a caution to talk to your doc before taking aspirin in case it's bad for you...but is it? at this level? Thing is, I don't have a doctor here, I'm a bit stuck and don't know what to do. Just want the best chance for this little one to stick!
I have heard about people being advised to take baby aspirin if they have had recurrent mc's but i dont have any personal knowledge.
However i do know it is a low dose and i certainly wouldnt take it if you are not sure of the dosage and havent spoken to a doctor about it, u could do more harm than good x
I've had 1 mc and my mum had history of mc and stillbirth
So im on 75mg aspirin
No idea how much of a difference it makes mind you but im at 29 weeks this time and going strong
Could you not half the 100s?
Yeah, my grandma had a lot of miscarriages, somehow it missed my mum and sisters, but having had one myself, and being the ripe old age of 38 I just don't want to take any chances...either way!
I tried to half them but they're not really made that way, tiny, small and shiny!
I have read in several studies that 100mg is given, I think it just entirely depends on what the normal lowest dose is in the country...

I have also read in many places that it wont do any harm...but I want to be absolutely sure of that!
I had 3 losses after having my first 2 children with no problems! so thought something had changed as I got older (was 35!) and although my docs wouldn't test for anything or recommend anything to help - I started taking 81mg aspirin daily after my last loss - I conceived 5 cycles later and that 4th bfp is now 16 months old -I can't say the aspirin definitely helped, but it obviously didn't hurt! which is what I had read, it could help if there was a blood clotting problem, but wouldn't hurt anything if there wasn't!

I hope you get better news at your next scan.
I had my LO at 33 weeks due to PE in December 2012, then has 2 mc's in December 13 and March 14, conceived with last baby in April 14 and was put on 75mg aspirin and I had no problem and carried him to 39+1 weeks xx
how do people know their HCG levels? is it something you request?
how do people know their HCG levels? is it something you request?

You can ask your gp to do a blood test and a repeat 48 hours later to see that the levels are doubling x
I was advised to take it due to expecting twins but also my mum and grandmother both had mc's. I've never had one though as just struggled to conceive. Only taking 75mg and after struggling to find where to buy it I've been told I can get it on prescription.

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