Anyone here with IBS?


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Anyone on this site suffer with the purpetual burden that is IBS?

I do :wall2: I've recently been on a total food replacement diet and it took away all of the symptoms, I couldn't even tell I'd ever had it.

Now that I'm eating again the symptoms have come back with a vengance and i'm looking about five months preggers! :shock::roll::wall2:

If you have this, what do you find helps you? I got some digestive enzymes today and I have previously taken bio-acidophilus which helped a bit but it's just really uncomfortable, annoying and bleurgh.

Also, anyone found it gets worse/better when PG? I'm not yet but hoping to be in the not too distant future.
My dad has it after being wrongly prescribed antibiotics for months on end. I bought him some pro and pre-biotic capsules that contain 4 billion bacteria in each - they are supposed to be very beneficial. I take them every day too.

I hope you get some relief :hug:
I have IBS, and hate it. :(

I find mot days I'm fine, but as soon as I'm away from home, or stressed I have to be very careful what I eat or I can be in a lot of pain.

I find buscopan can help but if I have a healthy diet without grease or dairy, that's the best thing.

I'm nervous too about what it'll be like when I'm pg, I think I'll just have to not plan and big journeys and eat healthily, which isn;t a bad thing really. :)
I have IBS, and was hoping that it would improve whilst pregnant, but it hasn't really just, going round in circles in what to eat, depending and what the problem is, if you get my meaning.

Before i was pregnant i was on Aloe Vera juice (been told by the doctor not to take it whilst pregnant), which i swear by (not normally an alternative type person). I would say well worth a try, it tastes awful, but you do get use to it eventually. Whilst it gets into the system i did find things got a little worse for a few days and very heady, but once that passed i found it a life saver. I use to have a dose, 20 mins before each meal, which then i changed to just morning and evening. (just because it isn't possible to have it on me during the day).
Hiya, im probably not gonna be much use here but i have IBS and mainly get it when im nervous but when i got pregnant it got alot worse, my toilet was like watery/gel, and then after about 3 months it went. I dont know what food causes mine but iv noticed since being pregnant when i get my IBS i get the pains in the top of my tummy rather then in my bowel. I havent really found anything that helps either sorry im not much help. x
My symptoms eased a hell of a lot just by cutting out caffeine!

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