Anyone have lots of bleeding and luck with pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2016
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So yesterday I started spotting light pink blood and I had mild cramps. I am about 4 weeks along. I wasn't too awfully worried. Then last night I started get worse cramps and painful lower back pain. Today I woke up with heavier bleeding and some clots along with cramps but the back pain was gone. I was told by my doctors office to go to the ER so I did. My blood work showed my HGC level was around 300 and the doctor said that is ok for four weeks. He then did a pelvic exam and said it looked good and the bleeding was darker which was good. The ultrasound didn't show anything but they said its early so that could be why. I go back in two days to see if my HGC levels go up more and if they do not the doctor said its probably a miscarriage but if they do then I should be okay. Anyone have anything similar and came out okay? I'm very worried it's a miscarriage :(
Sorry to read you are bleeding. sometimes it occurs with no explanation and everything is fine. Other times it does signal a miscarriage.

There's really no way of knowing. My advice is to rest as best you can.

Really hope you get good news xxx
So sorry this has happened, hope it's good new X x
Iv been bleeding since Mother's Day. It was brown blood so I didn't do anything about it (I work on maternity ward so know they wouldn't entertain me unless it was fresh blood with cramps) then last Wednesday I had fresh blood with small clots. So the hospital seen me within an hour and after a scan (which was fine) and an internal they told me my cervix is bleeding - so nothing to do with the baby.

I hope yours isn't serious let us know how you are X
I've been spitting for a couple of days. Not much only when I wipe. I had read lots on this when I first found out I was pregnant so I wasn't too worried. Even the MW asked me at my booking appointment at the time I wasn't. She said it's very common. So long as it's not heavy, persistent with cramps / pain. Hope you're ok Snidy?
My first pregnancy scared me senseless. I bled a few times and was constantly stressed about it. i went for at least 4 early scans before my 12 week scan but everything turned out fine. I had to really shake myself out of the worry because I was going to the toilet constantly checking my knickers and wiping just to check.

Just found out we are expecting our second and I'm about 4/5 weeks. This time I'm just going with the flow. Some women bleed throughout their pregnancies. Just make sure if you are rhesus blood type you get checked out xxx
I was bleeding last week, bright red blood and significantly more than spotting. Was so scared but all was ok and scan showed baby is just fine. Good luck xx
Hi hun, I started daily bleeding was only light, sometimes a litrle heavier and only when I wiped. I had an early scan at 6 weeks and a couple of checks but baby was fine. I'm now 9 weeks and it has stopped.
But if your worried go to GP their really helpful x
Thank you all for your responses! Turns out to be a miscarriage :( my hcg levels haven't really dropped though, just staying about the same so will probably have to get a d&c. Appreciate all your responses though.
Thank you all for your responses! Turns out to be a miscarriage :( my hcg levels haven't really dropped though, just staying about the same so will probably have to get a d&c. Appreciate all your responses though.

I'm gutted for you Snidy. Truly sorry to read this. Xxx

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