So yesterday I started spotting light pink blood and I had mild cramps. I am about 4 weeks along. I wasn't too awfully worried. Then last night I started get worse cramps and painful lower back pain. Today I woke up with heavier bleeding and some clots along with cramps but the back pain was gone. I was told by my doctors office to go to the ER so I did. My blood work showed my HGC level was around 300 and the doctor said that is ok for four weeks. He then did a pelvic exam and said it looked good and the bleeding was darker which was good. The ultrasound didn't show anything but they said its early so that could be why. I go back in two days to see if my HGC levels go up more and if they do not the doctor said its probably a miscarriage but if they do then I should be okay. Anyone have anything similar and came out okay? I'm very worried it's a miscarriage