anyone had heavy bleeding lost a clot then nothing


Mar 15, 2013
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is this a miscarriage or something else i went to a and e last night and they said my cervix is still closed i had heavy bleeding before i lost the clot then nothing since apart from the odd spot now and again no where near like yday
Hi hun didnt wanna read and run heres what happened to me 1day before my 12 week scan i bleeded really bad dark and bright red blood and massive clots and lil ones too, by then i was thinking oh my what if this is my baby i dont want to flush the loo etc so went to hosp and did a wee sample and lost a massive ball clot sorry tmi and they said this isnt looking good so excpect worse tonorrow morning when you have your scan so i went home that night didnt like moving cause when i did more blood came out and next day went for my scan in tears expecting the worst and there was my strong little bean at 12 weeks with a hb, so i can say yes it can happen but like they said to me they dont know why this bleeding has happened. But i do strongly admit go to hospital if you do bleed to get checked asap x
i went yday when i had the massive bleed but they just sent me home saying retest in 10 days it should be negative.....
Thats not very good, normally they get you scanned soon as :/ id maybe ring midiwfes ward if you havent seen her yet x
I've always had Eric but clots rnt gd news really :-( I hope for gdcnewscfor you ,,, let me know xx
How far along are you? Some people have lost loads of blood but still healthy baby. With mine at 11wks I passed a definitive sac, which is very noticeable compared to clots and you get waves of contractions beforehand which are very different to normal period type cramps. If you've had nothing like this and are quite a few weeks along I'd ask epu for a scan to check as could just be bleeding not a mc.
I had this hun heavy bleading lost quite a few clots one which I thought was baby..was told at hospital by doctor that cervix is closed but it probs end in misscariage..went for my scan few days later in tears expecting the worse and she said baby is there with a nice heartbeat me and oh just cried couldn't believe it..if there is no pain then that can be a good sign and although normally heavy bleeding and blood clots is a bad sign it isn't always..good luck hun x

Hope you maybe have some more answers. Have you tried doing another preg test I know hcg can stay in your system for a while even after mc but mine turned neg the day after I started bleeding obv depends how far gone you are. I only bleed a little bit with no clots and no pain. Still feel as though something isn't right. Hope you get some good news soon Hun. Xxx
well yday bleeding started again not losing clots but im losing tissue so i imagine its not good i would have been 6 weeks....

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