Anyone had bleeding in early pg and all been ok ?.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2007
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Hi Everyone :wave:

I went to my docs last night as i had horrendous pain in my stomach. :(

Doc said he thought it was just constipation :oops: .

Anyway, this morning when i woke, i noticed that i have started bleeding again. :( Rang doc and he said that he will get me another scan (as i saw baby heartbeat last week and all ok) just to see what is going on.
The blood is brown, but very much there, and i also can see very tiny blood clots.

Has this happened to anyone else and youve gone on to have a normal pg ?.

The doc keeps reassuring me that this happens and many women go on to have normal pg.

Just looking for some reassurance really.

It' really hard just sitting here playing the waiting game :(
Hi Loobie

I've had bleeding in all my pregnancy's. My first did result in miscarriage, but I was very early on, about 5 weeks or so. My second pregnancy I had bleeding from 6 to 8 weeks or so, much like you, the blood was brown. I had a scan at 6 and 8 weeks and each time my little one was fine and I now have a beautiful little girl.

With this pregnancy I have also had bleeding. Before I knew I was pregnant I had red blood with clots, I thought my period had started, the next day there was no blood, the only reason I did a pregnancy test was because I was feeling so, so sick, it was positive, when I went to the doctors to let them know I was pregnant they sent me to the hospital the next day to check all was ok, it was, they found a heartbeat and I was 6w+6d pregnant. That night I was bleeding again, so I phoned the hospital and they said to come back in, in the morning, again all was well. The bleeding continued mainly thick brown bloody type discharge, again at 8 weeks I had a load of fresh blood, I went back to the hospital and again all was good, they saw a heartbeat and the little one was growning. The bleeding stopped after that. Throughout the pregnancy I have had stomach pains, but when I think about it, it is normally trapped wipd or a bit of constipation. Luckily at the moment all seems well and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a successful pregnancy.

If they have found a heartbeat, that is normally a very good sign and I think I am right in beleiving that once a heartbeat has been detected the risk of a miscarriage is lower.

I hope all is well for you, it is natural to worry, I was the same, I can remember with my second pregnancy crying my eyes out as we drove to the hospital thinking I had lost another baby, but I am very lucky now to have a wonderful little girl and I hope to have another healthy child at christmas.

I've just thought, brown blood is said to be old blood, if the blood is fresh with clots then it is more of a worry, you can bleed when the sac enbeds itself in the womb (I think that's the correct termanology - god I can't spell!)

Big hugs to you and good luck :hug:

I just wanted to say, with Olivia I had bleeding, brown with clots at an early stage and It turned out just fine.

There is no way of knowing until you have you scan but I just wanted to wish you all the best and I hope everything is going well, I am sure it is hun :hug: please try not to worry and enjoy your pregnancy :hug:
Yep, i had bleeding as you are describing early on, had emergency scan and all was fine. Maisy was born full term with no probs. Hope its same for you
Thankyou so much for your replies. Special thanks to you Tasha20 for taking the time to reply....

It's just so worrying, and i'm trying to be optimistic, but at least i know i'm not the only one, and if i could just see the bean and a heartbeat next week, i can deal with the bleeding.

Thanks again :hug: :hug: :hug: to you all
i had pinkish disharge last night but went for a scan today and all was fine
good luck hun, hope everything is ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi, i had alot of blood loss at 7 weeks and everything has been ok since.
Good Luck :hug:
I had a lot of blood loss, and some cramping (which i think was constipation), everything i fine now :dance:
Hope everything is OK with you.

I had bleeding through out first tri with my first pregnancy, it varied from brown/pinkish/red blood.

I have a healthy 2 year old to show from that pregnancy and I also have spotting with this pregnancy on and off from 6-13 weeks.

It's not normal but it's certainly more common than you think to experience bleeding/spotting in early pregnancy.

Glad that they are giving you another scan.
I had bleeding throughout first tri and some in 2nd tri too and Jack turned out ok. Its so worrying though but I remember being surprised out how common bleeding was in pregnancy once i'd spoken to a few people about it. Good luck with you scan. Let us know how you get on :hug:

I had a brown/red discharge at 7 weeks and heavy clots at 8 weeks and everything turned out just fine.

Please try to stay calm. I never knew how many women experienced this until I read about it on here, so it appears to be very common. x
Hey hun,

I had bleeding at 11 weeks, 16 weeks, 20 weeks and 32 weeks! It was so scary when it happened but I now have a gorgeous 2 month old. It is really common xxx

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