6wks preggers and bleeding???!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2011
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So here's the script I found out yesterday that I was pregnant, same evening I noticed blood on the tissue only when I wiped. I waited till this morning to see if it goes away but I've been bleeding all day today. I took another pregnancy this morning just to make sure iam still preggers! and yes I got the faint line on the HPT.. I have an appointment booked with my doc this fri. I also spoke to NHS direct because I was so worried :/ health adviser told me my GP would refer me to the early preg unit for a early scan to make sure everything is ok, apparently bleeding is common???

I'm scared and really don't kno what to think :(

I have cramping and bloated feeling and I'm approx about 6 weeks preggers, has anyone experienced anything similar and still had a healthy baby?
Hey Hun,

I have not experienced this but didn't want to read and run, have you got your referal through yet? If not I would phone you GP and chase it up. Fingers crossed that everything is OK x
hi, i have had bleeding off and on throughout this pregnancy so far and im i have two healthy growing babas in there... hope it will all be ok for you :hugs: xxx

I hope your GP comes back to you quickly and you can get an answer soon. I've also heard that it can be fairly common, it might just be implantation bleeding. Good to hear that they will refer you just to check - thats a good thing.
bled for week with my son at around 7 weeks

my boss bled with her son the entire pregnancy roughly when every cycle was due

bleeding is very common, as long as its not bright red with cramping and or clots you should be ok, as maybe implanation bleeding, if you fill a pad every 5-20 mins then id be more concerned ok xxx good luck fri
keeping my fingers crossed that its nothing to worry about.good lk to you xx
Id get in touch with your gp hun. A scan will put your mind at rest and at 6 weeks you might even see a heartbeat. Hope all is ok. Hugs x
hope al goes well, i had bleeding at 6 weeks 8 weeks and a little at 12 weeks and bubba is doing great now, had 2 early scans so that put my mind at rest and ut does make you worry but if you get referred to the epu youll be well looked after x
ive had bright red blood on wipeing 3 times so far, at 15 weeks, 25 weeks and 28 weeks. as long as there isnt any cramping with it it usually turns out to be ok. best to getchecked over anyway hun x
i had the same thing at 6 weeks hun.. and i am now 9 weeks :D.
it was implantation bleeding that i had.. and had no blood since
i understand its a bit scary.. i was beside myself panicing and crying and shaking.
but soon as you see your little dot when they scan you, you will be fine. i still worry to this day that something is wrong but i think thats normal for everyone! keep your chin up chuck im sure everything will be ok :D xx
I have had bleeding throughout my pregnancy, In fact it doesn't really ever go away. They don't know why and its just one of those things apparently? But make sure you go to the early pregnancy unit so they can take your bloods over a few days and then they will scan you if hormone levels are increasing.
I had the same thing which was basically spotting for over 24hrs on Sat night/sun last week. (when originally they thought i was 8weeks but at the scan i got put back so am 6 + 6) went to the walk in centre and got reffered for an early scan on Tuesday. Went and they said all was fine saw the heartbeat and our little blob. Sure everything is okay.

Hope your Dr gets you sent for the scan quick so you're not panicking over xmas.
Hi Girls!!
Thanks to all those who posted :)
Went doc today and have confirmed my pregnancy I am almost 7 weeks (this Sunday Xmas day!!!) lol
I'm chuffed to bits as my due date falls on my bday 12/8/12!!! can't get better then that!!

Bleedings settled down doc told me u have to be 8+weeks to be seen at the EPU, and that bleeding is normal in the early stages.

woohooo I'm so exciteddd!!! :) here to a healthy pregnancy for all you expectant mummy's!!! xxxx
8 weeeks to be seen by an EPU is that right?

I had my 6 weeks and 8 week scan at the local EPU?x
Hey Loula :)

I was told only if I had constant bleeding I'd been seen by EPU but normally it's after 8+wks apparently.. I'm tempted to go private just to see my blob? lol x
thats odd, i only had a very slight bleed with my son and the baby before him,both times the epu saw me before 7 weeks
Yeah me too, i found a patch of blood and rushed to a&e and they arranged a scan for 2 days later x
Awww, I'm glad its all ok!

Enjoy your Christmas!!! xx
I've found some blood today but I can't bring myself to go anywhere as my sons livin Xmas! I'm nearly 8 wks but don't know how serious this is? Family don't know and defo can't tell them with this scenario!
I've found some blood today but I can't bring myself to go anywhere as my sons livin Xmas! I'm nearly 8 wks but don't know how serious this is? Family don't know and defo can't tell them with this scenario!

depends how much, some spotting is quite normal, heavy bleeding with or without cramping isnt

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