Anyone got a Bfp with no Symptoms

BFN this morning then again this afternoon, once I start testing I can't stop lol ;)
Ive only used ic's and I know how rubbish they are but I'm saving my FRER and Superdrug tests for testing in a few days

I'm only 10dpo I think I may be a bit more or less I got my positive Opk 11 days ago, AF due Thurs/Friday

My boobs are a bit sore now but no other symptoms

Boobs feel really sore now, I get this before AF but as it's also a pregnancy symptom it's so confusing lol

I think AF will arrive bang on time
Really hope I'm wrong

Sorry to hear that clover, hope it's a good sign for your BFP xx
I didn't have any of my usual pms Clover. I would usually have sore boobs from pretty much straight after ovulation but nothing, but then they did start to get sore just a few days before AF was due! I tested at 10dpo and got a bfn on a ic but a bfp on a FRER. We were also told that we would find it very difficult to conceive naturally and here we are, so miracles do happen. Good luck sweety, I've got everything crossed for your little miracle xx
Good luck clover xx i only had nausea as my only symptom ( really just felt like a bad hangover lol ) i tested with frer then clear blue which said 3+ so im still waiting to see how far along i actually am.
I used cheap ones from ebay and they still arent showing positve! Strange i know.
Fingers crossed for you xxxxxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks Hopejoy
Got 2 BFN's today on a FRER and a Superdrug
so feel a bit deflated now only 11dpo so still time

thanks for all the support girlie's :)

I didn't have any of my usual pms Clover. I would usually have sore boobs from pretty much straight after ovulation but nothing, but then they did start to get sore just a few days before AF was due! I tested at 10dpo and got a bfn on a ic but a bfp on a FRER. We were also told that we would find it very difficult to conceive naturally and here we are, so miracles do happen. Good luck sweety, I've got everything crossed for your little miracle xx
It's strange my boobs normally feel really sore and achy a couple of days after Ovulation right up to AF but this cycle they didn't feel sore at all till Sunday which was 9dpo
So a bit later ....may mean nothing but I'm clinging onto hope

Fingers crossed, i hope you get your BFP sending you lots of luck xxx

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