Anyone ever travelled abroad with 7mnth old or younger?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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As the title says

We're jst back from Greece 2 days ago and already wanting to book for same time next year. We'll have a 7mnth old at that point, just wanted to hear peoples thoughts/stories on taking away a small baby on holls...was it worth it, was it an enjoyable holiday ect?

We've spoke about it and are sure we can manage, wont have to steralise everything by that point and baby will be having good sleeps at night and wont quite be at the crawling about stage yet which would be less hassle.

Any thoughts?
Not sure I would be the right person to answer but your post looked lonely with no replies. My sister & her OH recently took her 4 month old boy to Mallorca to see our cousin and had a fabulous time. Her son is a very good boy though and was fab through the flight etc. It really will depend on what type of baby you will have. Having said that, pretty much our whole family is intending to go over in April next year, at which point I will have (all being well) a 3 month old baby. The jury is out on that one..........
yes it's manageable, a good age to go too. We went th Italy when LO was just 8 months and starting to crawl. Flight was fine. Teething when we were away wasa bit crap though but you cant control these things!
Book it :)
Thanks for the replies ladies...I was starting to get a bit worried with the lack of replies :( loool

I've spoken to a couple of people who have said the same..that it should be fine. Its hard for me to remember what it is like to have a 7 month old. The very small baby stage where they're up all night ect seemed to last forever with my youngest, but when I think about it, I was back at work and she was in nursery by the time she was 6 months and I remember her being managable, if that makes sense.

Defo gona book one soon, Going to wait untill further into the summer though as its my wee girls birthday in a couple of weeks, plus i'll be paying out more for after school care during the summer holls, so hopefully after that I can pay for one.
I'm similar to Kerry, wasn't abroad with one that age, but my sister took her 5 mth old to Spain and it was great. If anything easier than when they went the following year. In the evenings they could still go out etc, just put her in her push chair and she carried on sleeping! But when older, they can stay awake more and get more stressy etc? X

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