Anyone else's pets acting weird?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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My cat has turned into a psychopath.. He is used to being locked in the living room/kitchen at night, has been locked away at night for his entire life..

Last two days hes been really whingey and restless, and last night, he would NOT stop scratching at the door! I was woken up about 5 times by this screeching of his nails against the paint, and him yowling.

Is he just being a freakoid? Or does he know somethin I dont? Lol
I have a Pug pup and she is always weird - at the minute she just wants to chew chew chew!! Last night the lino in the kitchen got it! When the baby comes I think she will probably try and eat it as well. Hoping she will not be too jealous cause I have her spoilt rotten!!
Maybe he feels the need to check on you? My dog sleeps in the living room and went through a few days last week of scratching the door open and coming upstairs to sleep on our bed...she's never done it before so i'm putting it down to the need to see if everythings ok? She hasn't done it since though so maybe not! lol
Maybe he feels the need to check on you? My dog sleeps in the living room and went through a few days last week of scratching the door open and coming upstairs to sleep on our bed...she's never done it before so i'm putting it down to the need to see if everythings ok? She hasn't done it since though so maybe not! lol

Could be, But I cant let him in bed at night, he ends up sleeping on me.. usually my head, and he is a LARGE cat Lol
i have 4 cats and they dont act differently at all if yours is keep eye on it it may be coming down with something or try some feliway great for settling them
I have a rabbit and he used to come in an sit on my lap but now he doesn't like me going anywhere near him
my cat just constantly wants kisses and cuddles all the time wont leave me alone for a second lol x
My dog and my brother's dog are acting really odd! My dog is always like... checking up on me? I know it sounds strange but he used to be stuck by my mother's side 24/7. But now he's following me around the house, goes to bed when I go, gets up when I get up etc. It's really strange. My brother's dog comes over every day as well and she's the same, though she's worse sometimes. She seems to be stuck to my knees lol and won't stay in a different room to me, she's just there, everywhere I go lol. Kind of cute.
My mum said dogs can sense if their owners are pregnant and will become very protective. Though some dogs can turn vicious with pregnant women. :S Luckily, mine just seem to be very protective of me lol.
It was my friends cat who let me know I was about to go into labour with my 2nd son, he wouldn't leave my belly alone all day while we were there, then my friend offered to keep my eldest overnigt so I could get a decent nights sleep and the minute I got into bed I started with contractions 3 min apart!!!!!!!
worrying thing atm is that my next door neighbors cat won't leave me alone, nor will my other friends cat down the road when i pop down to hers!! The doctor has signed me off work for 2 weeks due to "abdominal strain" so maybe they have picked up on that.

But as far as my pets go they acting no different.

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