Anyone else who doesn't want chocolate anymore?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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I've always been a horrible chocoholic. I love everything chocolate and could eat it every single day in all kind of forms, but after getting pregnant I don't really crave it, or even want it at all. It's REALLY weird. I've bought chocolate, but I just don't open it, and a bar now has stayed unopened in my back pack for 2-3 weeks before I even opened it, and then I only had a small square and put it back. Normally a bar like that would be gone in a day, and even then I'd be trying to not eat all of it but just end up doing so. I don't get nauseous from eating it or anything, I just don't want it. I still like the flavour.. but not enough for me to eat it..

I haven't had any weird cravings yet, but I'm surprised that I don't want chocolate anymore..

Any of you experienced anything similar? With chocolate or other foods?
i just want fruit, any fruit, any form of fruit lol. youghurts will do in a pinch
i never really got on with chocolate anyway
i have been a previous chocoholic but dont really want any anymore had some teh other day just in case to see and was violently sick so im guessing this baby dont like it!! x
me i dont want it either makes me feel yucky as its too sweet xx
I love chocolate but since pg for the first time ever I ate half a bar and kept the other half in my handbag and haven't touched chocolate since!

Ooh and I love a good brew but the thought of tea and coffee makes me feel ill! The only drink I want is orange juice!xx
It's so weird isn't it? I'm hoping it'll stay like this through the pregnancy.. will make it sooo much easier to not gain too much weight! Chocolate is really the only thing that really stands between me and a better figure..

I just don't really understand that it's possible to suddenly not want something that I couldn't imagine living out before!
Yeah im the same pretty much off it, Im ok with the chocolate on a jaffa cake but cant face normal chocolate, My normaly massive appetitie has gone too cant eat much but feel sick if i dont eat haha
i still like things like kit kats....but not had an actual bar of chcolate....oh other than mini crunchies....but again, not loads of chocolate on them...

i just dont know what i want. i buy or make something and then i dont want it....its doing my head in now..

love things with rice like curry and chilli

i still like things like kit kats....but not had an actual bar of chcolate....oh other than mini crunchies....but again, not loads of chocolate on them...

i just dont know what i want. i buy or make something and then i dont want it....its doing my head in now..

love things with rice like curry and chilli


That's exactly what happens with me.. which is why I buy chocolate as well.. I buy things I would normally enjoy, but then I just don't want it.. I can be starving, and still not eat just because I can't think of anything that I feel like having..

Now I'm starting to understand how some people can be really thin... It's actually possible not to want and enjoy food! I could never understand that..
I'm the same. Was a major chocolate fan had some every evening and if it was there I would eat it till its gone. I have had bars in the fridge for 3 months now and OH is gradually eating though them but I would rather have something savoury. If I do have chocolate it still tastes nice and doesn't make me sick but I just don't really want it like I normally would. Very weird.
lol we have a shelf in the fridge for chocolate, my OH eats it constantly and i hardly touch it. i have had a bad relationship with food in the past and as a result have a difficult time dieting or eating normally. its either all or nothing so this constantly eating a lil bit and only wanting fruit thing is hard going. normally if i felt queasy id just not eat at all.

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