Anyone else terrified of gaining weight?

In 2003 I was 15st and size 20
By 2006/2007 I was 11st 7lb and size 12
Right now, I'm 14st 13lb and size 16.......... Go figure huh?

I'm hoping to not go overboard lol
Lander, I yo-yo with my weight!
With my boys I ate loads of junk & often ate for 2! I gained so much weight!
I started a steady diet just after xmas of healthier eating but having a treat day once a week but no weighing myself (I become obsessed) I was jogging & swimming a few times a week. When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing I started panicking about was my weight! I am trying so hard not to eat junk but I am craving cheese so much! I wake up wanting cheese! But I try to be healthy and have it with salad or a jacket potato. However I get full quite quickly so there's no chance of eating for 2 this time! Also if I am hungry between meals, I eat apples & so on! I'm surprised where my will power has come from this time! But I feel huge right now! But everyone keeps saying apart from my stomach taking shape & don't look like i'm gaining weight!

Does the midwife weigh you at check ups?? I'm dreading it if she does! x x x
Had the same bloating you're describing.

I've eaten what I want and when I want, but overall am eating healthier now than before my BFP. Am 28 weeks in and so far have only gained 9lbs (the books say a pound a week from 20 weeks onwards is average)

Am far more aware of what I'm eating now, am sure you will be too, try not to worry too much!
ive gained just under 2 stone... was terrified of gaining loads ..kinda greatful for severe morning sickness at start as i lost some weight then...ive only just got my first stretch marks ..which was my other fear ..and im also worried about tearing...apart from that im fearless :D

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