Anyone else still POAS?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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My name is Danni and I'm addicted to POAS!

I bought a mahoosive batch of OPK's and HPT's (100 in a 60/40 split) so you can see I have loads and I still can't stop peeing on them left, right and centre. I'm not worried about them getting any lighter or anything but I just can't seem to stop! It seems like such a waste.

They can't possibly get any darker than they did this morning either!!

Maybe cos it's the only thing that confirms I'm pg iykwim as I'm not really feeling pg or having any syptoms.
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I must have honestly done about 20 in the last two week! Glad I'm not the only one. Hehehehe. Did an OPK and a HPT this morning and the test lines were darker than the control lines so don't think they are goign to get anymore positive than that!! LOL.

I really wanted to pass mine onto someone who really needs them but just wanted to wait a few more weeks to make sure everything goes ok with beany first (although I guess you never really can tell as I didn't start having major problems with my first pg until I was 14 weeks and after a good 12 week scan). At this rate though, I wont have any test left to send on!
Your not alone, I did another cbd this morning and a cheapy!
Sounds like we have been through kind of the same thing hunny, i had a great 12 week scan last time and it all went down hill from there but did realise till i was nearly 15weeks x x

Your not alone, I did another cbd this morning and a cheapy!
Sounds like we have been through kind of the same thing hunny, i had a great 12 week scan last time and it all went down hill from there but did realise till i was nearly 15weeks x x

LOL, what are we like? We must be keeping CB and FR in business I reckon!!

I'm sorry to hear of your loss hun. Mine happened when my membrane ruptured at just over 14 weeks. Although the baby was fine and the Drs told us we could carry on with the pg but due to having no fluids the babies lungs wouldn't develop properly and he/she would most likely die as soon as it was born, if the pg got that far and if it did survive then he/she would probably be servearly disabled due to restricted movement. We carried on for another couple of weeks hoping that the tear would repair itself and that the fluids would replenish but it never happened so we chose to have a medical termination which sadly meant me giving birth to the baby.

Fingers crossed for both of us that we have problem free pg's this time round xxx
Im so sorry hunny :hugs:
I had my 12 week scan and everything was fine just after what i thought was 14/15weeks i felt something was wrong, i went for a scan to be told my babys hb had stopped so i went through medical management.
My fingers and toes are crossed that we both have a happy and healthy 9 months x x

Have you manage to resist poas this afternoon hunny? x x

am still POAS now, think it's because other than telling them, no medical professional has done anything to confirm i'm expecting, keep worrying it's all in my head and that because I barely have any symptoms pickle isn't really there.
Ive got a few cheapies left and im just debating whether to buy some more, im also debating buying another cbd today so i have seen the 3 different screens! Im doing for the same reason EmmBee, gp wasnt interested she didnt even check my blood pressure! x x

i am the same......if i didnt keep having light headed moments and sore boobies then i would wonder if i was actually pregnant!!! he he xx
i am the same......if i didnt keep having light headed moments and sore boobies then i would wonder if i was actually pregnant!!! he he xx

Ive not even got sore boobs, if it wasnt for the cramping yesterday and the +ive tests I wouldnt even think I was pregnant! x x
god i just stood up too quick and i got a cramp and went all dizzy....i must remember than im pregnant and stop jumping up like that.....ffs woman!

ok, will be honest, I poas pretty much every other morning, it's still a thrill to see the two lines come up.
Hehehehe, glad I'm not the only addict!!

Managed to resist POAS all weekend - this could be a record!!

I'm starting to think this pregnancy lark is all in my head too!! LOL. I don't feel pregnant at all.
i havent poas for days now....think i may be a recovering poas xx
wish i had some sticks to pee on - been weeks now and i can't justify buying more
I feel the same...I'm roughly 6-7 weeks gone and I'm still not feeling pregnant...apart from very sore
breasts. I'm hoping that once I've had my scan I'll feel a bit more positive that its in there for good! :)

I've only peed on two tests up to now but its so tempting to keep going to keep my mind happy that I'm actually pregnant! :)

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