room for a little one? :) ... and when did you all start getting symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
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Hi everyone! My first post in here so hello, am a bit nervous I've never made it past TTC before! I got my BFP 5 days ago, so over the moon :) Its our first ever pregnancy, and i think I am 4 weeks 3 days so still very early. I'm having a bit of pink spotting which I am a bit worried about... However I also had hospital treatment to burn off some cells on my cervix after an abnormal smear 2 weeks ago (obviously before knowing I was preg), so I am desperately hoping its from that and not anything to do with baby. This is definitely TMI and I really do apologise lol, but I'm getting tiny bits of black stuff in it, which I think is the scab coming off after the treatment, so that's making me feel a lot better to think its from that and nothing to do with the baby! I know that at this early stage they couldn't even give me a scan, so I am just going to try to think positive and that the baby is fine, and maybe try and get an early scan in three weeks or so... Fingers crossed!

I just wondered when you all started getting symptoms? I know it sounds silly and I should be grateful, but I've hardly got any and I'm finding it really difficult to believe I am preg! I'm tired, but I work full time and I'm always tired... I've just started to get a tiny bit of sore boobs yesterday, but to be honest I've been poking and prodding them every 5 minutes since 6dpo to see if they hurt yet, so I've probably made them sore myself haha! I don't feel sick, which I am grateful for, that's the only symptom I don't want :) the only thing that's different is I can't stop burping which is really unusual for me, but that's not a common symptom is it? I just don't seem to have anything concrete that makes me believe I am preg! so I just wondered if anyone had been the same and not got any symptoms until the 5th or 6th week or even later?

I've done a test every day since I found out just to make sure I'm still pregnant haha. Yesterdays test line came up straight away, even before the control line, which has never happened before, and the line is getting darker each day, so at least I feel like my hgc levels are increasing!

Looking forward to chatting with you all xxx
Congrats on your pregnancy hunny, if your worried about the spotting talk to your doctor as it is different with you having had treatment. Hope it goes well x
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congrats on your bfp, welcome to tri 1! my symptoms started around 7weeks. x
Hi, Welcome to Tri 1 and congratulations! :)

My boobs were really sore from 5 weeks, and I was very windy both up and down the way (tmi!) then nausea/sickness kicked in week 6.

Try not to worry, every pregnancy is different and everyone gets different symptoms at different times.x
Welcome to Tri 1.... my boobs were sore from 4 weeks onwards but started to throb from around 6 weeks, they feel completely normal now though just bigger! Morning Sickness didn't kick in until around 6-7 weeks so just enjoy this time, take care of yourself, get plenty of rest and I am sure everything will be fine.

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy xx
hey, dont worry the only symptoms i have is cramps and tugging in my stomach and a spotty face! I usually only get 1 spot when AF is due, but now I have a face full of them. At 34 its a symptom I hope will bog off soon! x
Congrats on ur BFP and welcome to tri 1!
I found out at 4 weeks and spent 3 glorious weeks with very few symptoms until 7 weeks when full on sickness kicked in. X

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Congrats!! Spotting is common in the early weeks , and it,s probs down to your treatment as you,ve said. I didn't get any symptoms at all untill 7ish weeks.
Oh thanks girls that's really reassuring to hear! I've just been a bit worried that lack of symptoms meant that my hormone level wasn't getting any higher (especially with this flamin' spotting), so its made me feel much better to hear 4 weeks is still a bit early and most peoples started a bit later. It just feels like you should have 'something' with this amazing news doesn't it, so its really strange when you're just going about your daily business as normal. 5 tests including a CB digi surely can't be wrong though!

My boobs are defo getting more sore as the day is going on, I am so happy! (What a random sentence that would be for anyone who wasn't ttc/preg!) Its a different soreness to the type that I would get before AF though, more on the sides and nipples hmmm. That must be a good thing! And I am also peeing for england, although that may be to do with constantly being on 'toilet paper watch' with this spotting. So ladylike! OH gets a full update whenever I've been to the bathroom now, its really romantic haha.

I'm sure I will be moaning like crazy in a few weeks when I have to go to work with terrible sickness, so will defo just try to relax and enjoy it for now! Thanks girls X
hey ams

I got my bfp today and I started getting symptoms about 4-5 days ago, very sore boobs and my face broke out in loads of spots (like seriously loads!)
Huge congrats and welcome! I had light spotting round the time my af was due, spotting can be very normal and lots of the time we don't even know why it's happened but of course it's natural to worry xxxx
Big congratulations! I did not really believe i was pregnant at first no matter how many BFP's i got! I had no symptoms what so ever up untill about a week and a half ago when my boobs started to REALLY hurt! I even bragged on here that i was getting no morning sickess... now i am getting that and i really dont want to feel sick all the time... urgh! I need to pee constantly... 3 or 4 times a night when we have gone to bed :( I woke up this morning and could of cried my bladder felt that full lol

All i keep thinking is what i will get from this in 7 months and know it will be worth the suffering! :D
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Congrats!! Did you have a large loop excision? I had the same thing over a year ago and was spotting with odd bits in it for several weeks. My doctor tried to scare me (and I don't want to scare you) by saying that if you've had one you are higher risk of miscarriage, although when I saw my midwife she couldn't confirm this either way, she had never heard of it...but you will be put on join midwife & consultant care.

Oh by the way, my first symptom was peeing a lot, 2nd boobs hurt then about 6 weeks the sickness kicked in and hasn't really stopped. It's a nightmare so enjoy it while you haven't got it!!

Congrats and welcome! Everyone is different with their symptoms so try not to worry too much. I had morning sickness from implantation, and although its easing a bit now I still get my moments! I didnt get sore boobies til around 8 weeks though. Now im just super tired and have dizzy spells - what fun eh!
Thanks everyone :D You've all been really helpful! It's so interesting how pregnancy affects different people in such different ways. I feel much better now, and promise to stop trying to compare myself. Sorry to hear of all you girls who are suffering with sickness, it doesn't sound much fun at all and I really hope you all feel much better very soon! I had to go on a 5-hour round trip train journey today which would have been absolute hell with MS, so I'm really glad I don't have that yet. I'm sure it will come in time though... I'm a very 'sicky' person anyway and get very bad travel sickness etc, so there's no way I'll escape MS!

Well I've still got a bit of spotting, but my boobs are even more sore so I am a happy girl haha! Plus peed on another stick this afternoon and it's the darkest it's been so far (even with afternoon pee), so thats a good sign right? Ordered 2 more CB digis in the hope that they will change to '2-3' and then '3+' over the next week or so, so that I can feel like baba is progressing in the way it should. I know I sound completely paranoid, I'm sure I wasn't like this before this spotting started... it's just difficult having absolutely no idea if its from the treatment I had or to do with pregnancy, so I don't know whether to be worried or not! I'm trying very hard not to worry... as long as it stays as light as it has been I can handle it, so just praying it stays like this and baba is okay!

Congrats!! Did you have a large loop excision? I had the same thing over a year ago and was spotting with odd bits in it for several weeks. My doctor tried to scare me (and I don't want to scare you) by saying that if you've had one you are higher risk of miscarriage, although when I saw my midwife she couldn't confirm this either way, she had never heard of it...but you will be put on join midwife & consultant care.

Hi hun yes I did - well diathermy loop excision, which I think is the same? It's really reassuring to hear of others who have gone through the same thing and been okay, although I'm really sorry you had to go through it too hun, not the nicest thing is it! Yep I've been told about the increased risk of MC too which is obviously really worrying - and the fact I accidentally had the procedure done in early pregnancy probably puts me at even higher risk as well, eek. It is very scary but I suppose there's absolutely nothing I can do except hope and pray that our little bean hangs on! Consultant care would be great if they give me that as I'd feel I was at least being kept a closer eye on. Are you under a consultant hun? Congrats on getting through Tri 1, that must be reassuring!

PS - sorry everyone, I am incapable of writing short posts I can only write total essays! x
hey ams

I got my bfp today and I started getting symptoms about 4-5 days ago, very sore boobs and my face broke out in loads of spots (like seriously loads!)

Sympathise with the spots! I wasn't a spotty teenager. But for the last 6weeks i've looked like one! it's awful lol!
Hiya, yeah same thing & no it wasnt very nice lol. I searched high & low on the net after the doc scared me with the info & I could only find that a cone biopsy means you are higher risk of miscarriage not the loop diathermy. I've got through tri 1 fine. I did have the tiiiiniest amount of blood bout 8 weeks - only when I searched for it & only twice after sex so I refrained for a while & at 9 weeks was sent for a scan & all great. Midwife just said as cervix is more sensitive it could just be irritation. You'll probably be avoiding it for a while after the procedure anyway but after the treatment (when i could) I do remember spotting after sex for a few months until it fully cleared up. Not sure how it will affect you as you had it done when preg but hopefully it should all heal fine. Yeah midwife put me under joint care, just mention it to your midwife at booking in appt :) hope u recover from it soon cos it's rank hehe x

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