Anyone else have trouble staying up


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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I can't sleep go to sleep after 10pm and I can't sleep after 7am :( I am just soo tired all the time. Is anyone else getting this?
This is me!!! I constantly get put to bed by husband after falling asleep on sofa but have now been upsince 5.50am awake like a bird!!!!
I'm catching up on my sky plused criminal minds lol!!! Xx
Me too! In bed by 10 each night and up by 7.30am. Glad I've got a routine going, but wish I could shift it a bit later!
I am the same, fall asleep on sofa then up at half 5 most morning
Managed half 6 this morning!! :)
Not feeling as tired as I was in tri 1 throughout the day thou!!! :)
So good to hear it's not just me, I am making it to bed LOL, but yeah I am okay durign the day I even have nmore energy at night but byt he time 10pm hits I am just done.
Yeh I felt like a bloody zombie in tri 1 thinking back I actually did nothing apart from work sleep n eat it's nice to have a bit more energy I'm just not very rock roll can't believe I used to stay out til 2am on a night out lol!!!! I'd die now hahaha
Yep but mines down to anaemia get urself checked!
When i do wake up in a morning i just want to sleep again! Half the time after an hour of being awake im back asleep!
Everythings one big effort! Constantly feel like im going to drop off and constantly yawning!
Drivesss me maddddd!
I've been lucky with tiredness, even in Tri 1 my tiredness was manageable!

That said I've made it past Midnight just once since my BFP.

I am in bed weeknights by 10.30pm and up at 7.30 - I don't sleep solidly though :shock:

Weekends I may go to bed an hour later and get up an hour later....

I was like that whole way through up until couple of weeks ago. Tiredness hit me before I even tested and got BFP. Since then I was asleep by 9.30pm on the sofa. Some Christmas and New Year I had. For once I did't complain when DH was working in bar all over the holidays - I could go to bed. Never slept whole way through though. Last couple of weeks - I suppose since taking off work, I've been able to stay in bed longer in mornings and stay up wee bit later at night. The latest is still midnight though. Def have more energy during the day to get stuff done. Only thing slowing me down at the minute is the heat - won't complain though as we don't get weather like this often enough.

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy girls :)
Yeah! I sometimes find myself wanting bed at 9:30pm... Soooo not like me!
I've been waking up between 5-5.30am every morning, doing my head in! Knowing I have to get up at 7!! x
Yep, I'm in bed by 9 most nights and up by 6am!!! x
I'm getting it both ends! Can't sleep much before 11/11:30pm and wake 6am/6:30am this has been for the last 23 weeks!!! Zzzzzzz..... X
I'm the opposite! :( I struggle to fall asleep until the early hours of the morning, then I'm up every couple of hours for the loo.. And then I don't wanna get up in the mornings at all!! xx
no! I am usually in bed about 11ish if I aint working (I have to work till midnight some nights) and then i can sleep right through till midday! Not a solid block of sleep, as i usually wake at least once every hour or so, and my husband is a nightmare with snoring, but I always wake up more tired in the morning and struggle to get out of bed.
All I want to do is sleep. It is the only symptom I have really had, but it has got me good!


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