Absolutely knackered!!

I can usually go for a bag of mini chedders by night..and thats about it at the moment..nah they dont seem to work for me either.
As long as i make sure i drink lots of water i should be ok so im told.
Denmark to the uk is a bit far to post sweets! 8) 8)
Having trouble eating isnt helping me where i work..i have to move stock and run around like a loon all day..and its getting a bit hard now.
I actually bought the sweets online from the US! I aws desperate to try anything :D
skatty said:
I actually bought the sweets online from the US! I aws desperate to try anything :D

Thats a long way for them to come! :D
They must have something like that over here i could try :?
Any ideas? :(
I got mine from ebay. If you want to try them its no problem for me to post them. I have a small business and go to the post office every day!
Wow thats awsome!
Would you like me to post you a cheque or something for the postage cost?! :D
No, I'll empty them in an envelope and post them off with my parcels :D
Wow thats cool :D
My addy could be usefeul :dance:
I will pm you :D
Yes I've noticed recently that I seem to be tired all of the time too, even though I must say that not having a solid nights sleep doesn't help either! If you're not getting up to go to the loo, then it's cause you're trying to get comfortable which means moving my whole mountain of pillows over to face the in the other direction so I can turn over onto my other side!! The joys of being the child bearer, and I'm only 24 wks 3 days, god help me in my 3rd trimester! :shock:
Hi Daggers, that sounds awful! I used to always sleep on my stomache but have been trying to get used to sleeping on my side now but always wake up on my back! I guess its just going to get worst once the bump comes. Did you find it easy to adjust your sleeping position? Duh! I guess not because you have to keep turning over :oops:
SKatty, initially when I when got the maternity (full lenght body) pillow I thought I was sorted, but I'm now coming to the conculsion that I need to keep up some sort of finess level (walking /yoga) or else I really feel it in my lower back which then causes problems sleeping! So I'm starting to do a few yoga moves every morning and trying to walk 20 -30mins a day, hopefully that will help.
Also if anyone out there is looking to get one of these maternity pillows go to ebay, you'll them there at half the price of what you'd be paying at an online shop! Got mine for £20 - including P&P and one pillow case, not bad mi thinks!
Ooh that pillow sounds fab, I hope I can get one deliverd to Denmark! I'm already suffereing from pain in the very lowest part of my back on the right hand side. The pain is really deep in there so it can't be massaged away. I already walk a lot, perhaps I'll have to try yoga too :wink:
Skitty, I'm sure you should be able to get the pillow either delivered to you from the UK or otherwise maybe otherwise from the Danish ebay equivilant? I've also copied a link from a site from which I got some useful yoga moves to practise while in your 2nd tri. - http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/psecond.html

I've been trying to do them every morning, it only takes 15 - 20 mins, plus the walking hopefully it should help reduce some of the back pain. Must say not having a good nights sleep can be a bit of a catch 22, in that your back hurts, you don't sleep well, you end up feeling tried, moody and hormonal. Yesterday was the first time during my pregnancy (as far as I can remember) that I actually started crying for no reason - other than being tried, suffering from back ache and hormonal! Feeling better today though. Think I'll take tomorrow off so I can just relax :moon: !
SKatty, sorry just realised that I've been putting in your name incorrectly!! Doh!! I'll put that down to the pregnancy as well, why the hey not!?
Uh ho, I didn't even notice, yes definitely the pregnancy...(you see where I got my nickname skatty from now :lol: )
Well I guess that makes to of us then! Read on one of the other posting that you're due to have your 2nd scan soon, are you planning find out if you're having a boy / girl? Our hospital had a no tell policy, so ineffect my decision was made for me, initially both my husband and I wanted to know but now I'm happy to wait. However my husband does want to know, says it will let him bond with the baby more before it's here, guess as it is 50% his I couldn't deny him, he was looking into have having one of these 3D / 4D scans done but it seems they are quite costly - guess it's just not meant to be :wink:
Do they have this no tell policy in Denmark - won't have thought so?
Hi daggers, I'm definitely going to find out! I can't wait. I also think it will help us bond with the baby and I want to go shopping wthout buying all neutral stuff. We are also buying a house and I want to decorate the nursey in colour. Its a shame that some hospitals have that policy, some do in Denmark but not the hospital I'm at, they said they could tell me next time when I'll be 19 weeks. If the baby has its legs crossed I will also pay for a 3D scan.
Whearabouts do you live? If you have a babybond nearby they do a sexing scan for £75 which I thought was a bit cheaper than other places.
Our midwife did mention about the sexscan option which would be cheaper than the 3D thing, I just think my husband wanted to go for the whole hog - if you know what I mean. He's definately more excited about these things than me, will mention it to him again but don't want to encourage him to much as I'm happy to wait. Personally I'm not to bothered about the colour thing, just as long as my boy ain't in pink (if it's a boy)!
We live in London so I know there are quite a few options for us in terms of getting a sexscan.
Also looking to move between now and end July, haven't found anywhere as yet so the next few months should be loads of fun :roll: !
Good luck with the moving, are you looking in London still? we wern't looking but stumbled accross our house and just had to have it :D
Cheers mi dear, we're looking to move out to Hertfordshire. Thanks for mentioning the baby bond thing as I've just had my OH on the phone saying he can't find anywhere that will do a scan tomorrow for a decent rate, so me trying to be clever looked for babybond scans on the internet and now have an appointment for 10:30 tomorrow!! Still not sure if I want to know, however knowing me I probably won't be able to resist at the last minute anyway!!
When are you guys moving house?
OMG! I'm so excited for you!!!! Please let us know if you find out, I'm sure you will find it hard to resist!

We are getting the keys on !st June to decorate etc and then move on 1st July.

Hope to hear from you later today wth news about your scan. Enjoy :D

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