Anyone else have LO in their own room?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
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Just wondering if anyone else has their LO in their own room?
I don't have a monitor but the doors are open and the walls are thin i hear when he wakes.
I had K-man in his moses basket in my room till 11 weeks, but since he's been in his own room in the cot he sleeps a lot better, i think i disturb him less and with being so huge he has room to spread his arms.

I also get a lot more rest as i dont wake with every niggle and deep breath he takes.

Is 12 weeks too soon, or should i take if he's sleeping better he's also a fan of the Cot & having his own space? lol. x
Yup! Tyler's in my bed in fact but if not he's in my room in his cot. Don't feel pressured to move him unless you are ready!

I can't imagine him sleeping in my bed with me, i wouldn't of thought any of us would get any sleep with the noises and movement going on?

I love that he sleeps in his cot, but i just wonder if i'll regret it when he's older and wish i'd of kept him in my bedroom a bit longer,
but he just seems more content & sleeps longer when he's in his bedroom... lol
Well put him in his bedroom. He's made your choice for you :) I'd love for Tyler to have a bedroom but were in a 1 bed

I put Isla on her own room Friday night and it's going well, she is 10 weeks tomorrow. I made the decision because she has almost grown out of her moses basket and and we can't move the cot to our room. I was worried it was too early but she seems to be happy. Xx
We put Holly in her own room in her cot at about 11 weeks. She slept much better and worked well for all of us.
I put Harlow in her cot in her own room at 12 weeks and she was fine x
We put K in her own room at 13 weeks and it has been great! I would have moved her a few weeks earlier but dh wasn't ready haha.
We put Evie in her own room at 9 weeks and it was the best decision we made. She went from being extremely unsettled and waking 4/5 times a night to sleeping 12 hours and waking once or twice. We are all much happier!
Tilly chops went in her own room this week. Best thing we did. She sleeps much better
Its best to keep LO next to mummy until at least 6 months. Its just so they can regulate their own breathing by hearing yours & also incase they choke/sick.

James has been in his own room since 10 weeks Thomas was 12 weeks they both slept alot better for it xxx

Hannah went into her own room at 10 thing we did for her cos she sleeps so much better and is a much more chilled out and happy baby :) xx
The bean will be in its own room from the beginning. We are Getting a bedside crib too for when she will be unsettled, poorly etc but the plan is to go to the big cot from the beginning for various reasons and we can't really do much about that so we will make it as safe as possible.
Everyone's babies seem to enjoy having their own space then, and roughly the same time 9-12 weeks.
So glad I'm not the only one benefiting from this decision!

:) I know every baby is different but he does, like all u lot, seem to sleep more restfully and sleeps longer & much happier chappy during the day.

I do worry about choking and his breathing, but GOD forbid, if it did happen I would hear it just as well from his room as i would from the moses basket that was next to my bed :)
.... I made the decision because she has almost grown out of her moses basket and and we can't move the cot to our room. I was worried it was too early but she seems to be happy. Xx

Sounds similar to me hun, K-Monster seemed squished in his M.Basket he's a starfish sleeper so his arms couldn't spread out like he wanted them to in the basket.
We have an Angelcare monitor which helps put my mind at rest. x

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