Anyone else fed up with their weight?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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I just need a good moan as I seem to be dieting but not losing any weight which makes me think what is the bloody point. I wanted to lose about 2 stone before I got pregnant and now that I have had Jake I need to lose about 3 stone. I am not really exercising which is probably why my weight is staying the same but I just need to get some motivation to do something as I find exercise very boring. It is just so frustrating when you are trying to eat healthily and nothing is happening. I went in town to get a new outfit the other day and came home with nothing as everything I tried on looked horrible. I am so fed up with having no nice clothes and just really need some help with motivation.
Stop giving youreself a hard time - you've just done something amazing my having a beautiful baby boy. The weight will come off but how quickly depends on you.

I lost most of my baby weight by the time Jakey was about 9 months and that was by just eating normally - no exercise apart from chasing Jacob as i hate exercise. I'm now back to my pre preg weight but my shape has changed forever! My friend on the other hand is goung to slimming world - her baba is 4 months - and doing well - she also breast fed which i think can be a factor.

It will come off just give it time - it is hard to begin woth because you feel so frumpy and just wanna fit any clothes nicely.

Have fun - forget about the weight and it will drop off - thats my theory anyway!

Juz x
I'm just sending you a huge massive hug hunny :hug: you'll lose the weight soon :)
I feel exactly the same way.
What with giving up smoking and obviously my baby! I've put on so much weight in the last 9 months. I feel sooooo disgusting. My stomach is awful, I still look about 6 months pregnant :shock:
I started my diet yesterday. I am so determind to be in my old jeans by summer. Good luck!
Can I join the moan?

I'm heavier now than when I'd just giving birth. Sitting around and not going to work has been rubbish for me. I'm so proud of what my body did when I look at Stanley but was kind of hoping the weight would drop off on it's own and it's not looking that way :(

My wardrobe's so limited and I look FAT! I've often felt plump but have never before been fat and didn't think I ever would be.

I'm getting married in May and no matter what happens now I'll be a podgy bride because I have so much to lose :(
I've been feeling really bad especially as my arthritis has flared massively after giving birth so the extra 2 stone I'm carrying isn't helping. After being threatened with Methotrexate last week by my rheumy I decided to join weight watchers with no real belief it would work and lo and behold I've lost 4 lbs. God only knws how but there is no way I could have done it on my own and no because of my condition I cant exercise. Trust me if this blimp can do it anyone can its just about finding the right time for you and the right motivation. You will get there just maybe your body isnt quite there yet, it has only been 13 weeks bless you xxxxxxxx
Im feeling like a fattycakes too Gemz!!

I have been trying to eat healthily but have only lost a pound!! Its odd though because my jeans do feel looser....maybe thats just wishful thinking :rotfl:

Im sure we will lose the weight, I keep telling myself its only been just over 6 weeks and try not to give myself a hard time, it takes 9 months to put it on and therefore must take 9 months to get rid of it :rotfl: :shhh:
I feel so unattractive, it's horrible isn't it :( . At least i'm not on my own i suppose! :)

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