Anyone else expecting their 1st?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
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I'm 8+5 with our first baby. We were TTC so we're very happy and excited that our first baby is on the way! I'm also pretty nervous, as although I've always wanted to be a mother, it's scary having your first!

Is anyone else expecting their first? I'm due January 2016 :)
Hi I'm also expecting my first and I am terrified. I have a scan this Saturday as a reassure and my NHS one has come through for the 18th. I'm currently 10+5 will see if scan agrees with that :) booked the reassurance scan just to put my mind at ease that there is only one in there. Terrified it could be twins. My pregnancy was a complete surprise. My partner and I had spoken about children in the near future as he's always wanted to be a dad. I've always been if it happens once cool if it doesn't that's also cool. So when we found out we were very shocked but really happy. Pregnancy, childbirth and newborns just scare me in general usually fine with kids once their around 1 and have a personality. I've always been very career focused so this is a huge change for me.
Hi! I'm also expecting my first, but only 5 weeks. It's all a bit new and terrifying isn't it?! I found I was so fixated about wanting to get pregnant, that now I'm experiencing pregnancy symptoms etc it's come as a bit of a shock!

It's odd as well- you sort of set your life up as an adult without a baby, and I sort of wonder what happens to all that stuff (job, family dynamics, friendships) when you add a baby into it. Everything will change!!!
Yes me too I am also so scared constantly googling on the Internet to see if every symptom is ok or not lol
Hi I'm also expecting my first and I am terrified. I have a scan this Saturday as a reassure and my NHS one has come through for the 18th. I'm currently 10+5 will see if scan agrees with that :) booked the reassurance scan just to put my mind at ease that there is only one in there. Terrified it could be twins. My pregnancy was a complete surprise. My partner and I had spoken about children in the near future as he's always wanted to be a dad. I've always been if it happens once cool if it doesn't that's also cool. So when we found out we were very shocked but really happy. Pregnancy, childbirth and newborns just scare me in general usually fine with kids once their around 1 and have a personality. I've always been very career focused so this is a huge change for me.

I'm waiting for my 12 week scan date to come through. I'm pretty nervous for the 1st scan if I'm honest, scared of a MMC especially now that I'm getting further along the few symptoms I had have almost all but disappeared. Although that's apparently normal!

I used to always say I'd leave kids til my mid-30's, but I decided I didn't want to wait any longer! I'm sure as the months go on you'll get your head around it more and after all, it's all a learning curve even for expectant mums who already have kids! :)
Hi! I'm also expecting my first, but only 5 weeks. It's all a bit new and terrifying isn't it?! I found I was so fixated about wanting to get pregnant, that now I'm experiencing pregnancy symptoms etc it's come as a bit of a shock!

It's odd as well- you sort of set your life up as an adult without a baby, and I sort of wonder what happens to all that stuff (job, family dynamics, friendships) when you add a baby into it. Everything will change!!!

I was definitely shocked when we found out. I expected it to take years, having been on the pill for 10 years, I never expected it to happen in just a couple of months of trying!

Our lives are definitely never going to be the same again. I definitely have some money worries but then I think, somewhere there is a family with less than us and if they manage, then we can too. Unfortunately I'm expecting one friend in particular to disappear when we share the news, but I know everyone else will be supportive and excited!
Yes me too I am also so scared constantly googling on the Internet to see if every symptom is ok or not lol

I did the same when I first found out! At my booking appointment this week though my Midwife told me to calm down on Googling, as a lot of questions I had for her from things I had read or things people had said on other forums, she was gobsmacked and said to ignore it as it's mostly all rubbish! I'm just following the NHS guidelines and advice now, trying to stick to that instead of searching for things which aren't necessarily backed up by a good source!

Have you had a lot of symptoms?
Yeah that's a good idea i read up symtoms and end up being terrified!

the symptoms I have are really bad lower back ache, crazy fatigue, and light headache all the time with occasional cramps but nothing too hurtful. I have been lucky to not have any dizzy spells or nausea. What about you? I feel tempted to go for a reassurance scan as its my first and paranoia is taking the best of me..
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My first too and I think Im around 8 weeks, I have my first midwife appointment next week. My main symptoms are constant extreme tiredness and feeling sick most of the time. I've went off a lot of foods / drinks and craving things I don't eat :eh: I've had a few little niggles but nothing painful or sore.
my first too:) we'd been trying for 8-9months so I was super happy. Im having a lot of nausea and also terrible constant burping which is awful. also heartburn and fatigue. Im 9 weeks and 6 days ish. got my scan on 26th June.

my brother in law had a dream we were having twins! so Im a bit apprehensive of that too! they dont run in my family but my brother in laws are twins,

oh and how could i forgot the sore boobs! though not minding the increase in size at all:)
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I don't think there's a symptom I've not had lol. Been quite bad with t hr e sickness nauseous and tiredness but yesterday and today have been far better first two days where I haven't been sick. Just now biding the time till scan time at 12:45 tomorrow so excited but also nervous.
I'm sure as the time goes on we will all learn and get our heada around it all x
Yeah that's a good idea i read up symtoms and end up being terrified!

the symptoms I have are really bad lower back ache, crazy fatigue, and light headache all the time with occasional cramps but nothing too hurtful. I have been lucky to not have any dizzy spells or nausea. What about you? I feel tempted to go for a reassurance scan as its my first and paranoia is taking the best of me..

I considered going for a private scan, but the prices for them near us is ridiculous. Nearly £100 more or less! I think I'm just going to sit it out and wait for the 'official' scan at around 12 weeks, and just pray everything is OK until then! Not sure how I'd cope if I went for the scam and there was a problem.

I've been quite lucky with symptoms really. I was nauseous once, but haven't been sick. Sore boobs (esp nipples!), tiredness in week 6/7, needing more water, craved oily fish. Had the stretching cramps too, which was pretty scary at first!
My first too and I think Im around 8 weeks, I have my first midwife appointment next week. My main symptoms are constant extreme tiredness and feeling sick most of the time. I've went off a lot of foods / drinks and craving things I don't eat :eh: I've had a few little niggles but nothing painful or sore.

I've been craving foods I normally don't have, as well! Like McDonald's... Usually if I have one a year that's excessive, but I've craved one for weeks! I've also been.craving more fruit though so I suppose it's had its positives too :)
my first too:) we'd been trying for 8-9months so I was super happy. Im having a lot of nausea and also terrible constant burping which is awful. also heartburn and fatigue. Im 9 weeks and 6 days ish. got my scan on 26th June.

my brother in law had a dream we were having twins! so Im a bit apprehensive of that too! they dont run in my family but my brother in laws are twins,

oh and how could i forgot the sore boobs! though not minding the increase in size at all:)

I'm dreading mine getting bigger as I'm already fairly big busted!

I'd love twins! Whenever I'd talk about kids when I was younger, I'd always say I wanted twin boys and then a girl. It'd be blooming hard work though! Twins don't run in our family either, but I do think I'd be pretty ecstatic if there were two in there!
I don't think there's a symptom I've not had lol. Been quite bad with t hr e sickness nauseous and tiredness but yesterday and today have been far better first two days where I haven't been sick. Just now biding the time till scan time at 12:45 tomorrow so excited but also nervous.
I'm sure as the time goes on we will all learn and get our heada around it all x

I hope the scan goes well for you today!! :)
This is my first! Excited/terrified. It's only this week at work that i am starting to realise things are changing and they are taking about when I'm not there! Eek! Xx
This is my first! Excited/terrified. It's only this week at work that i am starting to realise things are changing and they are taking about when I'm not there! Eek! Xx

I haven't told work yet. I'm trying to get my head about maternity leave as NHS etc says we're entitled to 52 Weeke, whereas my contract says 26 then I can apply for a further 26 but it's not guaranteed? When did you tell work? I'm planning to tell them at 6 months, as per my contract!

Found out this morning that I am pregnant. It's our first too. We were trying for 13 months
I told them at 12 weeks. My mat leave is 90% salary for first 6 weeks then 50% salary plus smp until 26 weeks, then if I want to take more it's smp Only for the next 13 weeks then unpaid for the final 13 taking me to 52 weeks. U are entitled to a year that's strange? Xxx

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