anyone else drop lots centiles?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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Maisie was 8lb11 at birth and was on 91st centile line for the first 6 weeks and has slowly been dropping centiles. She is 7m next week and when she got weighed today was only 15lb2 so is now nearly on the 9th centile line. She has only put on 5 ounces in the last month.

She eats solids well, BF fine, I have plenty milk and she is meeting all the milestones and stuff so I know I shouldn't worry but I can't help it :? The HV I have been seeing is not concerned either.

Anyone else have a big baby that ended up dinky??
Yeah, Aimee was exactly the same. She was 8lb 11oz born too and gained weight well for the 1st few weeks then started dropping. By the time she was 4 months she was on the 9th centile. She goes from the 9th to the 25 and back down again all the time. Shes 2 years and 8 months and has just recently gained some weight and is now just below the 50th centile . Too many biscuits I think, lol. She now weighs 29lb but is on the 75th centile for her height so still looks quite skinny.
Roxy was 10lb born then lost nearly 1lb in her first week and didn't regain it till nearly 6 weeks. HV was pressuring me to give her formula but I didn't feel she needed it as I was confident she was ok (she's my 3rd).

She's stll quite mini and though I haven't had her regularly weighed, last time we went she was down below 50th for height and weight. She has met all her milestones and walked at 10 months so I know she's got no major health issues.

I think she was probably always meant to be a lower centile baby so though it seemed she wasn't thriving, she was actually just finding her level. I probably just ate too much chocolate in those last few weeks and bumped her birth weight up!! A mistake I won't repeat this time (ouch)!

I think if you are happy that there is no problem, which you seem to be, then trust your instincts x
My friend was exactly the same - her baby just dropped down the percentiles from a high birth weight but eats and feeds well. He is 15 months now and much lighter than my 13 months, but perfectly happy and content. If you have no other concerns I really wouldn't worry.
Thanks for the support. I feel a lot better today :)

She is absolutely fine in herself and is not thin so she maybe isn't quite as tall as average. Neither OH or I are that tall or big built so it is probably the way she is meant to be.

The last few weeks of my pregnancy was over Christmas so maybe I ate too much tasty food when she was gaining lots of weight in the last few weeks- still better her getting it than it going to my thighs :rotfl:

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