anyone else do shift work?


Active Member
May 29, 2007
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Hello all ! I have been so busy i have not had chance to post for ages !Fisrtly i cant believe i am 15 weeks already :D

Just wondering if anyone else on here works shift work or works for the NHS and if they have thought about childcare options yet? Are your employers going to be flexible to accomodate your wishes?

My job is very random i never have the same shifts and they are 12 hours they are nights days weekends and i am worring how flexible my work will be! I live in a completley different end of the country from family and friends and i am starting to worry in advance how i am going to keep my loved job. my husbands job involves lots of traveling to work so it is all down to me! I phoned some nurseries and for to me to keep my job as it is or even going part time i would have to pay for full time care. The prices are so expensive :shock:

Does anyone know if i have rights to demand a set shift pattern?

Thanks x

Im a shift worker...I work 4 shifts on and 4 off... consisting of 2 days 0700-1900 and then 2 night shifts 1900-0700! And my hubby works away at times too.

I work for the Police and I think there is a thing in now for all working mums that work have to accommodate your circumstances.. I know my work do...and when I worked shifts for the NHS they had to there aswell.

Id try not to worry about it... have a chat with your boss and see what they say... give them an idea of what you would like to work and maybe come up with a compromise! Im in the same position as you..

After maternity im gonna go back part-time.... I have no idea of what hours or shifts I can do yet due to hubbys work.. so I'll have to do what im advising you to do....have a chat with my boss! :)

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