Anyone planning on not returning to work?

Christina1979 said:
yes 15 weeks before baby is due..... not 15 weeks before you intend to start your maternity leave yes?? :lol:

no , i had to give 15 weeks notice of when i intended to leave on mat leave . hence when i suddenly found that out at 18 weeks i was already too late as i wanted to leave at 29 ! but thneyve okied it as ive took hol before mat leave so my official mat leave date is 1st feb , ill be what 35 ish and hence i had to do it when i was 20 weeks ( last week form was done)
Oh No!!

I havent heard this before???

Everything I have read says you have to tell them 15 weeks before your due date.....???

Can anyone shed anymore light on this????
Im lucky enough that i dont have to work now, so no im having a few years off to watch the kids grow up. :cheer:
I was gonna go back to work as I do want some of my own money, but it will cost too much in the holidays for child care for 3 children that i'm restarting childminding from home, meaning I get to stay home with baby and earn!!! YAY :dance:
I didn't go back to work after having my daughter (planned to, but when I took her for her 'induction day' at the nurstery when she was 6 months old I realised I couldn't do it) - thankfully DH got offered a new job within the company he works for which was effectively a promotion so we could afford for me to leave.

I'll definitely go back to work some time. We won't be able to get a mortgage otherwise. No matter what deposit we have, with one wage we just won't get a big enough one. Bloody house prices :x But i'm hoping to put it off till this LO is around 2ish -depending on how low the funds get (what with DH macking the house out withy boys toys :roll: )
sass said:
Happybunny said:
I will double check that fact, it is interestng. It might be different because i am a teacher. I have read the union advice and it says that I might have too. I will do some more research and find out for sure. I am prepared in case.

I am a teacher too, and it is not the SMP that you have to pay back if you don't return to work, it is the 12 weeks OMP at half pay that you get. I work in Hampshire and you can choose not to receive the 12 weeks of half pay to begin with, rather than paying it back afterwards - if you do decide to go back, you then get it all as a lump sum in your first months wages when you return. (not sure if this is the same for all LEAS)

If you look at the NUT website there is a document called maternity matters that tells you everything you are entitled to.

doh, I meant OMP :oops: I have already the NUT document, but it just says 'might' have to repay OMP. My headteacher is going to look into for me because she is lovely :)
I don't think so, because I don't have anybody from my family (or my husband's) in the UK to dump the baby at for free :wink: ... and since my part-time wages wouldn't even pay for childcare, I might as well stay home !
Babylicious said:
I've got to return - can't afford not too :(

Me too Babylicious, needs must! I am planning on cutting down to 3 days a week though.

I'm really suprised at how many of you ladies arn't going back at all :shock: You lucky things :wink:
i would if i could cut my hours , but my jobs and all or nothing ! think its cos we get company van etc ( couldnt work without one) and they wont pay for 2 vans for one area / 2 part timers
I keep changing my mind - I don't really know if we can afford for me not to work or even if I want to have NO cash of my own. On the other hand if something doesn't work out soon at work and I'm still stuck in limbo it might start to seem a good plan.

I did want to stay at home till I discovered the best mum on our street has just started childminding - I watch her in awe because she bloody rocks, juggling her brood and her sisters brood like it was a piece of cake! I'd actually like a kid to have some time with her and her kids, I think it would be really good for them.

I guess I'm in the wait and see camp!
We can't afford for me not to work, but I'll probably stick to working part time, hopefully 3 days a week.
To be honest though I think I'd get bored being a full time SAHM, it's nice to go to work and talk to other adults about things other than kids. Also somedays, when you've got a toddler having tantrums, going to work can feel like a break and a lot less hard work! I honestly believe James enjoyed going to nursery and got a lot out of it, sometimes kids like a break from their parents too :lol:
Here are some FACTS girls (I feel like the resident legal eagle today):

* You do NOT need to tell your employer that you do not intend to return. You merely give your usual notice period (6 weeks or whatever) before you were due to return and that is fine - you don't have to go back. Original Poster, your friend must not have handed in her notice at all, hence why she had to work the equivalent.

* You do NOT have to pay back ANY SMP. However, if you are (eg) a teacher in a state school or similar and you get better maternity pay than just SMP you will need to go back at least 12 weeks after your maternity leave is up OR pay back some of the pay you received whilst on ML.

For what it's worth, I'm probably not going to return but haven't thought it through fully yet. Like HappyBunny (? - I think it was) I am a professional career woman but tbh I'm not too bothered about giving up the stress of it all!! In fact I can't wait!

When's everyone leaving work?? I'm planning to go to 35 wks.

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