Anyone else been TTC for 12 months +?


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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My 13th cycle has just finished since coming off the pill. Still nothing. Had blood tests which say I'm ovulating. DH hasn't had sperm test but have seen them moving under a microscope. Have just been out and bought him looser boxer shorts to keep him cool!

Have had one session of Acupuncture last month. Booked for another this week and then 2 weeks time. Anyone had success with acupuncture?

People keep saying relax and it will happen. How do you stop thinking about it?


Sus x :wall:
i think this is my 13th cycle too. Just get something that will take up all your time. Focus on something else. Iv heard loads of people say theyve got pregnant and relaxed after they got a pet (unfortunatly i cant get a pet). Iv tried scrapbooking and its taken my mind off TTC.
don't know what to say hun.....this is my first month and I'm becoming obsessed already so can't even comprehend how I would feel after that long. :hug: :hug: :hug:

All I can say is that I have a friend here who, because of some rare blood disorder finds it really difficult to get pregnant. When she does get pregnant the blood cells then cause her to MC. To my knowledge she's has had 7 mc's in the past 3 years. She has just started acupuncture and is feeling a lot more relaxed about things.

She's only started it this month so nothing much happened yet but she's hoping that it will help her

Good luck hun and I really hope it happens for you soon :hug:
Accupuncture worked for my friend - she swore by it, and she is a midwife and says she sees lots of people coming in saying they had it done. She was trying for 6 months then had accupuncture 6 sessions over the next 3 months (i think) then she was pregnant. Good luck :hug:
Jenna, I already have two cats!!! They're obviously not helping. Do need something else to focus on. Will have a think about that.

Keeping fingers but not legs crossed for this month!!

Sus x
i know im not ttc anymore but i like to think that i could give u some hope ! as i did try ttc for over 19 months and a total of 32 off the pill (one loss june 05)

and i HATE to say it , but we conceived while on a fun weekend camping in the rain lmao bd was fun , i didnt know i was ovulating as i took no opk or temp while camping ! and it worked :oops:

hope its given u some hope :hug:
Thanks Gem. I think that is the answer isn't it? Stop thinking about it!

Hope your pregnancy goes well and maybe I'll join you soon.

Sus x
Sorry things aren't happening for you Sus - we haven't been trying for quite a year but i can understand your frustrations. Hope you get your BFP soon x x x

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