Anyone decided NOT to get a doppler?

I thought given my history it would be the first thing I'd buy but I'm just not interested.

I feel quite strongly that my body knows what it needs to do and as long as I keep myself calm and healthy then all should be OK!

I want to get through this pregnancy letting my body do what it needs to do.

That said I imagine when I can feel baby move I may need a doppler as reassurance if there is a slow down with the movements?


I'm not planning on getting one, I would freak if I couldnt hear her, and Im enjoying not worrying and being chilled :) I know that LO has days when she doesnt move much, but I still wouldnt use a doppler even then, as I would definately think the worst and panic. I know that if Im worried I can ring mw or pop upto the hospital for reassurance rather than freak myself out xx
I never had one mainly because my first pregnancy was 21 years ago and back then they simply were not available . Now I'm having my final pregnancy it just seems a waste of money to buy one plus the fact I really won't be able to switch the damn thing off for fear I'd miss something .I too really look forward my doctor and midwife appointments so I can hear my bubs it's like my reward for going. I 'm definitely not going to get one either . xx
i only use mine when I am starting to worry. You know how some days you just get a REALLY odd feeling that something is wrong? well that is when I use my one.

and so far it has kept me sane! now that I can feel baby moving I am nearly ready to part with it.........
I've not got one Hun, ive had scans really often though, I may get one but I'm waiting til I really feel like I need one.:)

I wasn't going to get one, however, I have had the odd day where I've had a sinking feeling, and its provided the reassurance I needed.

I have only used it a couple of times though ... not sure I'll need it once I feel peanut moving?
Thanks for this hun, and yes your are right about seeking medical assistance if there is a reduction in movement!

I am going to carry on as I am and if I feel the need to invest in one at a later date then I will

Thanks ladies


All i will say Carnat... if you DO decide to get one... don't get the heart to heart one...SHITE! :(

me and oh talked about getting one but decided not to ! and we have done well with out it x
I didn't really decide to not get one, I really wanted one, especially after the 12 week scan. We just sort of never got one and I'm feeling more and more confident by the day that everything's ok. I'd also drive myself insane if I couldn't find the heartbeat.
hi Carnat
well done on resisting the lure of a doppler!! I think most mw would probably advise against getting one. I did get one, and I have to say I do enjoy using it, and its lovely to beable to listen to the babys heartbeat in your own home. It does set my mind at rest. But I can see the cons of having one, such as if you are unable to find the heartbeat and the stress that would cause! I do feel the baby moving alot now, but as jayjay says it is nice to beable to use the doppler on quiet days for reassurance :)
I don't know anyone personally that has had one. If I knew someone selling a cheap one or lent me one I would use it but its an expense that's not really needed. Also heard some people haven't been able to find heart beat on them
I bought one during my pregnancy. I've recently sold it. When I'm next pregnant with bubs number 2 (hopefully) I won't be getting one next time round. Once I could feel movements I was fine. And like midwife said, you can't rely on hearing hb. It's all about the pattern etc. something only trained people would know.x
My Doppler came out of the box tonight for the first time in ages, had a little panic attack cos realised I hadn't felt baby all day :( never been so thankful for it tonight! Xxxx
My husband asked me to sell mine but I couldn't until I'm finished being pregnant. Not like with this pregnancy, but finished being pregnant full stop, ie, had all the kids I'm gonna have.

Its just too easy to have a listen in when baby is having a quiet day and it takes away my worries x

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Definitely agree with Jayjay! It's so nice to be able to reassure yourself when you've felt no movement in the day.. I barely use mine anymore, maybe once a fortnight if that.. But it's good to know it's there if I feel the need to use it xx

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