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anyone cutting back on their spends?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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hey everyone, just thought it would be a good idea what with the rec ent ever increasing cost of living if people what are cutting back on their spendings could give others their plans to start saving a bit of money.

as petrol, gas electric, food, council tax, rent, water etc etc etc goes up.. the purse doesnt stretch as far.

we currently have 2 cars 1 of which isnt being used so we are selling that. we have sky tv at £19pm and virgin phone and broadband comming in to around £40pm looking of ways to save some cash as it all seems to be gone just 2 weeks after pay day. i used to look at 50 quid as a fortune now its just pennys. money doesnt go dar at all
yeah we're having to do that too but only cos you have to pay to breathe her in Switzerland :( I saw a normal average boring baby gro for 45 francs (about 20£) :wall: And I bought some baby banz sunglasses in England for 9.99 and here they cost about 20£ again. Crazy.

We've given up our garage and just parked the car outside - not looking forward to winter. Cost 40£ a month. Got rid of my car that I brought here so now we have 1 and I use the train mostly.

Hmmmm OH told me loads of things we are doing but I've forgotten them...
I was talking about the cost of living yesterday with FIL, I honestly dunno how people are expected to live comfortably these days :|

We have 2 cars but unfortunately we need them, my job involves travelling and OH works about 30mins away so he needs his too.

We try and go for the BOGOF offers and stuff when we go shopping and for certain things we'll just get value stuff.

Gas & electric... pfft, to save money on that we have to just not use it which is a bit impossible.

We used to have the full Sky TV package but we swapped to the £19 a month one and that suits us fine.

We always manage but it's bloody hard :|
i have made a budget spread sheet in excel and that helps me keep track of what comes out when and i have got it worked out as to how much i have each week for myself. It has helped me cos i know i have say £40 per week for myself.
If you need a hand PM me im happy to help you set something like that up if needs be
We're finding it hard at the moment. My husband has just ruptured his achilles tendon and is now in plaster for the foreseeable future :cry: Work have cut his hours down massively and so obviously, this has a huge financial impact :(

I've found that one of the things that really helps me is to write a menu for the whole week and then follow on with a list of only the essentials to make those meals plus the other necessities (sp). My shopping bill has been cut enormously by shopping this way :D
We are cutting back too. I have just given up work to look after the baby so we need to make cuts to live on one salary.
This site is full of great ideas... http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/

We have already done simple things like raking through the bank accoun and making sure no unecessary expenses are being taken (ie. my teaching union and general teaching council subscriptions) and swapping our mobile phone tarrifs. (Hubby got one for £5 a month!!!).

The money saving expert can explain which gas/electric deals are best at the minute.

Simple things like unplugging electrical equipment or turning things off (not leaving on standby) and turning unecessary lights off can cut pennies on bills too.

Planning your meals and internet shopping is a good way to save too as there is less temptation to impulse buy. You can check out which days have cheap or free delivery or find voucher codes on the internet for money off or free delivery.

Oh and I have found it much cheaper cooking from scratch than buying prepared food or ready meals. Much healthier too.

(you have got my money saving bug going now, lol. just found another site http://www.cookingbynumbers.com/ you say what food you have left over in your fridge/cupboards and it tells you what you could make, thus not wasting any food at the end of the week! Cool!)
As I have just left my job to look after Maddison fulltime we have just given up £27000 a year so we have to cut back loads :shock: We have 2 cars, 2 loans, sky, broadband, 2 mobiles and then all the other things like gas, electricity, phone, car insurances etc. When I was working we spent quite extravagantly so its just a case of learning to live within our budget now. Not easy but sure it will be worth it to be at home with my girl....I hope :lol: :lol:
We are getting rid of our second car now. Its older and smaller than our main one but costs £5 a month more to insure since we moved :think: Plus we hardly use it anymore so it can go. Should save us £50 a month in insurance and fuel etc and in other maintenance about £300 a year.

Wood for woodburner. We found the council chopping some willow trees down so went and got bootloads to store for next winter. Saved ourselves a few hundred pounds. Will also collect loads of small twigs and logs over the summer from around the woods here to use as kindling to light it next winter.

Bought a new cooker with an energy B rating on both ovens. Much more economical than our old one.

Growing our own veg again this summer. Plus rearing our own chickens to eat and for eggs.

Practically zero mobile phone useage and sticking to pay as you go as it only costs me about £5 per 3 months then based on what I use.

Cooking from scratch and freezing as much as possible also for later use.

Making own bread.

When cold wearing extra layers of clothing and bedding rather than using more heat.

Have gone minimalist for baby. Opted to not buy things like a breast milk expresser etc as will try to learn how to do it myself. Did not get nursery furniture either. Have a cot and a set of storage shelves is it :roll: :lol: Also been careful when purchasing clothing, bedding and other things. Intentionally bought less and will get more *if* I really find I need it. Rather than having too much and feeling like I've wasted my money as LO only wears something once or twice before growing out of it.

We don't drink, dont smoke, don't really socialise much out and about so live pretty low key already.
Things are getting really tight.................and be prepared, its going to get worse before it gets any better. We are on the verge of a global recession, despite what they keep telling us! :wink: Everything is going to keep rising, esp the price of food which has gone up across the globe.

We only have one car which my OH needs to get to work. Only my OH has a pay as you go mobile which he doesn't really use. He needs the internet for his work. The only other 'luxury' we have is sky which we cut back to basic package (no sports :( ) about 6 months ago. We hardly go out, I don't have expensive clothes, I never get my hair done! We don't smoke but occasionally have a drink. Kristy I agree, I don't know how people are expected to live comfortably. My OH earns a good wage but there is very little left after everything has been paid.

I have an excel spreadsheet with all my in and outs. I also save money each much to cover my water, gas etc bills each month.
Be warned if you decide to change your suppliers. I changed to EDF in December with the promise of a fixed price until November. In January it went up and I got my first bill of £260 for gas alone :shock: Even with price rises, it was over £90 more for the same period the year before.

I agree with Happybunny, switch everything off at the mains. We do anyway for environmental reasons, but I had a leaflet through the other day which said turning the average microwave off at the plug will save you £50 a year.

I'm also in the process of growing my own veg. Just getting my beds ready to plant now! I probably do spend more on food than the average household, but I buy mostly fresh produce from local suppliers. I make everything from scratch too. There isn't even a delivery take away in my village! By growing my own salads and veggies hopefully I will save a few bob!

Even our holiday this year is a free one paid with by my clucbcard vouchers! :lol:
Misslarue said:
I'm also in the process of growing my own veg. Just getting my beds ready to plant now! I probably do spend more on food than the average household, but I buy mostly fresh produce from local suppliers. I make everything from scratch too. There isn't even a delivery take away in my village! By growing my own salads and veggies hopefully I will save a few bob!

Even our holiday this year is a free one paid with by my clucbcard vouchers! :lol:

Wooo for homegrowing :) If you read up on how to freeze the excess also you'll be able to put loads aside for later on in the year. And blackberry picking is great. We usually have about 2 entire bucketfuls to freeze each autumn. Easy puddings for the winter then. I also stew and freeze our cooking apples.

Have to add to my list also - we don't do takeways at all. Until January we didn't live within half an hour of any takeway other than a fish and chip shop which we never ever used. Now we have a few within 15 minutes drive but would never use them.

We thought about getting Sky but have a free view box and thats enough for us. We have other ways of seeing stuff :wink:

Not taking a holiday this year at all. Happy to stay at home. We are a stones throw from a beach and have all this countryside around us to make use of. No need to go anywhere :)
Sherlock...............I am really excited about growing my own veg :cheer: I'm not quite sure when I officially turned old, but it was some time last year! :rotfl:
I will found out how to freeze the excess, thanks :) Although I also saw something recently on Jamie at home, where he put loads of veg in soil boxes and kept in a cold shed to save for later. I'll have to research that further :think:
I'm really looking forward to growing strawberries, which I eat so much off. I actually already have an apple tree in my garden, which can be eaten straight from the tree or also used in cooking.
I have seeds for:

Mixed Lettuces

All of which I eat constantly
And OH wants to do potatoes. He's also already started growing pumpkins which he needs to transfer to the garden. Luckily he never did it this weekend as planned or they would have been ruined thanks to the snow.

This is our first time, so any tips will be appreciated!
we're on the big save too.... just sold my car and I need another but we're only spending half the amount my car sold for on another....the rest has gone in the bank for a rainy day...we'll also save a lot on road tax and insurance.

My OH needs sky sports etc for work purposes so we have to have the full package...but we've changed ISP and get internet free now and we have gone on the sky phone package so thats cheaper. We've both swapped mobile packages and we get an extra reduction because the company we work for was on the discount list.

this month was the last payment for my student loan so thats £100 quid saved. We're going to Italy with the entire family this year to my aunties farmhouse so we only need to pay for flights and food which is great.

My dad lives in Cyprus and we said we'd try and go before May but I don't think we can stretch to it really so I've had to disappoint him. :|

All in all we're trying as best we can to cutback cos we're worried about the current economical situation and I only have one more full wage before I go on SMP...and we can only afford for me to stay off work until the end of June cos we really can't managed on SMP with our mortgage and bills :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: mainly because I'm the higher earner in our house so staying off work until July is gonna almost wipe us out but I want to spend as much time as I can with Evie
Our budget is so tight at the minute. After all our bills are paid and a measly £60 shopping for 5 people is spent we are left with a whopping £15 between me and OH for a week. Well he smokes so theres that gone :x . We have cancelled our BT and took on Tiscalli for our phone cos its free. We are dropping down to the cheapest sky package after the football season has finished and OH has switched from cigarettes to tobacco. The only way we are surviving at the minute is cos my mum keeps giving me money or I don't know what would happen. The last thing I want to do is totally cancel the sky and internet cos I wouldn't know what to do with myself. We can't afford to go out anywhere as diesels too dear and we can't sell the car as we still owe 5 years loan on it :evil:
Happybunny said:
We are cutting back too. I have just given up work to look after the baby so we need to make cuts to live on one salary.
This site is full of great ideas... http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/

We have already done simple things like raking through the bank accoun and making sure no unecessary expenses are being taken (ie. my teaching union and general teaching council subscriptions) and swapping our mobile phone tarrifs. (Hubby got one for £5 a month!!!).

The money saving expert can explain which gas/electric deals are best at the minute.

Simple things like unplugging electrical equipment or turning things off (not leaving on standby) and turning unecessary lights off can cut pennies on bills too.

Planning your meals and internet shopping is a good way to save too as there is less temptation to impulse buy. You can check out which days have cheap or free delivery or find voucher codes on the internet for money off or free delivery.

Oh and I have found it much cheaper cooking from scratch than buying prepared food or ready meals. Much healthier too.

(you have got my money saving bug going now, lol. just found another site http://www.[b][color=red]cookingbynumbers.com[/color][/b]/ you say what food you have left over in your fridge/cupboards and it tells you what you could make, thus not wasting any food at the end of the week! Cool!)

Brilliant site :D
mids theres noone rich enough in these parts to be able to afford my services.
Me and my Oh have spent the last 2 years doing nothing but this

ive been living at my Oh dad place for the past 2 years to save money up so we can try and afford to get our own place

All the money we can spare goes in to our ISA's

we dont have holidays abroad

we dont go out much ie resturants cinema Pubs ect, we go for lovely walks in the country side free and we enjoy them :D much better quality time together :hug:
we only buy new clothes when neccasery and i buy from primark QS ect
or for a treat TkMAXX

I buy the basics at the supermarket (apart from chicken ect as i feel the extra pennies for quality is worth it) and i try to buy british
though this can be hard as its more expensive

i dont drive so we only have one car
and this was given to us from OH's dad when he got a new car.

Its a Jeep so eats petrol for breakfast so as much as James loves :( it we are trying to sell it
and he bought a second hand diesel car it's already saved him a huge amount in the cost of fuel.

Now im pregnant we are saving even harder
ive spent next to nothing on baby stuff as im getting all i need from my cute 1 and a half year old Niece and Nephew THANK GOD :pray: my Sisters had kids first they have saved me a massive amount of money and worry about affording it all :cheer:

And im looking hard into ways to use my experiance as a Child Carer and my knowledge of dance, craft/design and creativity skills so i can still earn money after maternity is up but still bring up my own child.
And not rely on benifits

sarah :wave:
Sherlock said:
Misslarue said:
I'm also in the process of growing my own veg. Just getting my beds ready to plant now! I probably do spend more on food than the average household, but I buy mostly fresh produce from local suppliers. I make everything from scratch too. There isn't even a delivery take away in my village! By growing my own salads and veggies hopefully I will save a few bob!

Even our holiday this year is a free one paid with by my clucbcard vouchers! :lol:

Wooo for homegrowing :) If you read up on how to freeze the excess also you'll be able to put loads aside for later on in the year. And blackberry picking is great. We usually have about 2 entire bucketfuls to freeze each autumn. Easy puddings for the winter then. I also stew and freeze our cooking apples.


I LOVE blackberry picking :cheer: :hug: used to do it all the time as i kid and my Mam amde to most delicous home made blackberry pies
Oh now i'm all home sick. :hug:

Sherlock can i pick your brains :pray: about cooking and preserving food please
as im not very domesticated :oops: Id be most greatful :hug:
geordie lass said:
Sherlock can i pick your brains :pray: about cooking and preserving food please
as im not very domesticated :oops: Id be most greatful :hug:

Sure drop me a PM :)
what we all cutting back for :think: I know I need to but i'm not good with money. I will tell OH when he gets home. Is it this whole credit crunch thing? I dont understand. I have no debt though so wasn't worried. will it affect me anyway?
Sweetcheeks24 said:
what we all cutting back for :think: I know I need to but i'm not good with money. I will tell OH when he gets home. Is it this whole credit crunch thing? I dont understand. I have no debt though so wasn't worried. will it affect me anyway?

It will affect you somehow. Be it increased price for food (happening already) to fuel to mortgage repayments (if you have one). All adds up. The weekly shopping bill is creeping up all the time and its getting daft.

I'm trying to cut down as much as possible on waste of food also. I am good already but trying to be stricter. Making sure leftovers are frozen so not thrown away having gone off. Veggies are being used in a curry if past eating on their own on the plate and so on.

Also things like electric and gas are going through the roof price wise. Worth turning the heating down and putting another sweater on instead. Not only are you saving money but being kinder to the environment also :)

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