Anyone back to their pre-pregnancy weight?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I am! My health visitor thinks because I was so small bump wise and he was such a chunky monkey that I was all baby and that's why I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I feel really lucky as my tummy has gone straight back to completely flat-no 'pouch'-and I'm back in my 8-10 pre pregnancy clothes! I'm eating healthily and looking after myself combined with lots of walking!

How's everyone else doing?
Welldone Hun!! I went straight back into my pre pregnancy clothes but still have half a stone to lose but don't think I'll reach it soon cos I can't stop eating!!
I lost my appetite for a couple of weeks after birth so was eating tiny portions and lots of them. Pretty much got it back now x
it took me 15 days to lose my weight from both pregnancies after E! i put it down to the small age gap and having to run around after k all the time! bit of an eye opener mind cos i didnt realise i was so big before i got pregnant :blush:
Im back in my jeans from pre-pregnancy and am only a couple of pounds away from my original weight - however, im hoping that I will lose even more because I intend to breastfeed for 12 months. It seems to just melt the weight off!
Yay! Everyones doing so well! Mmg&i I put my weight loss down to running around after DD, walking to and from school and carrying Seb in his sling!
im getting scales today!! i dont think i have lost much tho, im not sure how much i put on but i think nearly 3 stones! hopefully one is gone!
I walk with Noa atleast every otherday, but i have not used the sling, i tried once but i didnt like it maybe i need to practise i just felt like noa was squashed and it was like he was laying funny on my and no.. i dont know..
I still haven't got back to my pre pregnancy size from my 8 year old yet :rofl: each pregnancy I put more and more weight on and now I am a fatty lol. It might help if I get my thyroid checked like and get on the right mess, oh yeah and stop drinking beer :blush: xx
I practiced with Seb round the house. First few times I put him in it too low but now we have got it down to a fine art and I do all the school runs in it and even spent 4 hours in town yesterday. So much easier than battling people with the pram!
i used to wear E for hours too! the double buggy was just too awkward for a lot of places!
im gonna go n weigh my self now.. just bought the scales :blush:
ive got 1 stone to go which means ive lost almost 2 stones!!! wohooo!!
ive got a few pounds to go, i wanna keep losing weight and get down to 9 stone :yay:
I nipped to boots today to weigh myself (no scales allowed in my house!) and I'm under my pre preg weight! Dunno how that's happened! Hope it stays off though x

*cheer* we're all doing great! Yay!!!!
I usually use the Boots ones but Wilko's had a pair for £3.50!! xx I put on Facebook I wont weigh until after Christmas again but I probs will as my chocolate eating has been bad lol xx
sorry posted in wrong place...
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i weigh 9stone, i have half a stone to loose then i'm back to what i was but tbh i'm happy with my size. I haven't done a thing to loose the weight so if i loose more doing nothing i'm happy. It feels good to be wearing my old clothes though! :D
I'M in no rush to lose my baby weight, 9 mths to put it on so 9 mths to lose it! i'm a size 16 and used to be size 6 befor my kids i prefer being bigger then smaller. x
uses are all so lucky I put 3 stone 2 lb on with herbie and that was after he was born I have to work really really hard to get it off been at slimming worls since he was 2 weeks old cos I cant wait to lose it I lost 1 stone 8lb so far but still along way to go till I'm back in my size 10 clothes
I weigh less now than I did pre-pregnancy, I lost about half a stone whilst pregnant, and now all my clothes are slightly big. I'm am convinved though that I'll soon put it all back on as I have my appetite back now and can actually finish a meal.

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