Anybody else had the same situation?


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hi everyone, im new to this! has anybody been in the same situation as me? id be grateful to know what you think.... i came off my pill before xmas (only because i forgot to order some more!) but have been having a lot of unprotected sex with my boyfriend since. I felt different for about 4 weeks now, i dont know how i feel different, but just dont feel myself! Had my normal period after my pill. but lately my boobs really really hurt, been sick a few times last week. going to the ladies alot, all the silly things that i 'thought' were symptoms. i had some bleeding a week before my period was due but it was brown then red then brown only for 2 1/2 days (sorry to go into detail!) so when my real period was due, i done a preg test and the line was very faint and kind of disapeared after about a minute, then did another 1 and was neg. done another one today and that was neg too. its really confusing! lol. people say it side affects from the pill but ive been off the pill before and not felt like this! sorry its abit long guys!
when i came off the pill it took 6 weeks until i had a period and then the month later i got pregnant and i have come off three or four times and never experienced wot u have. however, we all react differently. if you are unsure go see you GP. xxxxxx
Ye, i have been to Docs but got to wait til Thursday for my next appointment! just so annoying you have to wait so long!! thank you xxxx
i came off the pill in December, had a period around 15/16th December then didnt have one until 25th January(last Thurs!) - they always last for 5 days but this time it only lasted 3 days - not sure - but i have heard quite a few people say once they come off the pill they got caught straight away - im not sure chick - but are you wanting a baby?!? :hug:
I would love a baby cos i love kids but the only prob is, im only 19! i know im naughty for not using anything when im not on the pill! :? xx
I came of the pill in October because they were giving me bad side effects and I didn't think I could have kids My periods were normal after that until I got pregnant in December.
N@TZ i am only 19 too but i think if you feel ready to have a baby then do it - its your body and your life and only you can decide if you feel ready or not - me and DF have been together for nearly 4 years and engaged for nearly 3 so we feel VERY ready to have a baby :hug:

good luck :hug:
I do feel ready but dno if my partner does! Glad to hear your only 19 too! thought people would think i was bad wanting a baby this young! lol.thank you xxxxxx
I do feel ready but dno if my partner does! Glad to hear your only 19 too! thought people would think i was bad wanting a baby this young! lol.thank you xxxxxx
no problems - i felt the same as you when me and DF first started talking about TTC - i thought people would put us down and say we 'too young' 'got your life ahead of you', 'ruining your lives' bla bla bla

but i came on here and alot of the girlies' on here are only young - they have all made me feel warm, relaxed and welcome - only YOU know if you are ready for a child - me and DF have talked about it for months now - so just going to see what happens - as i say i came off the pill in December so we will just have to wait and see.

good luck darlin' and if you ever need to talk - PM me :hug: :hug: :hug:
arr thanks hunny.

Wish you loads of luck! and we both came off the pill in December so lets see what happens!

good luck again.

nat xxxxx
yeah you too...

how cool would it be if we both got that BFP we both really want - in the same month?!?!?

keep me posted chick - and PM me whenever you want :hug: :hug: :hug:

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