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waiting to test is anybody else


Active Member
Oct 23, 2011
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Hello everyone I'm testing again next thurs that's by my pregnancy testing calender on the internet I am going to go from my withdrawal period that I had from stopping the pill so I shud be due on next wed I have lots of cramps and had brown discharge last saturday I've already took three preg tests all negative so I thought ill leave testing till I'm due on I'm praying its a postive cuz I feel like I've had so many symptoms but its all prob cuz I've come off the pill on the 11th of oct anybody been in similar situation? X
Hi new to this - I havent been on the pill lately but I am waiting to test - my period is due next friday but I am hoping that it won't arrive!
Done two tests that read neg already but thought it might be early?
HAving 'period like' symptoms, such as cramping and tender boobs for a few days now but there hasn't been any spotting as yet! Can't quite work out what is going on, will just have to hope for the best I guess and wait! XX
Hi yes I think I tested too early I had my pill period on the 1st oct and on my 28 day cycle that's when I got brown spotting and cramps which I thought might b implantation bleeding so if I go by my withdrawal its next weds but u are meant to wait a few days after when your period is due I think to get a result I'm sooooo impatient though hope u got a postive next week x
I'm due to test on the 11th unless af rears her ugly head! Got sore bb's, lower back ache and some crampy/ pulling sensations in my abdomen but tend to get that every month, so not reading too much into it. Will just have to wait and see- been trying for 6 months now, so must be time for a bfp soon!

I think I might test again on the 11th unless I come on before...will let you know if that's OK - good luck to you btw and to you too babybaby3!
Hi all x am due on on 12th so not far behind u all! Had brown spotting last night and this morning and sharp pains yesterday morning so fingers crossed for implantation! Sore bbs for a week now and prominent blue veins across them

Did i read somewhere u can test with a first response kit if u believe implantation has occurred? So excited i cant wait!

Good luck every body!!! X
Hi girls,

I'm due on the 12th too, so we're all around the same time. Haven't really noticed any symptoms tbh so i'm jus chilled about it this month.

Good luck to you all, FX for a load of :bfp:'s

Hi Kred x

when will u be testing mate? I dont wanna do it too early but would be nice to have a testing budy! X

good luck x
Well I've already started poas!!

Thought i had a vv faint line on an asda one this morning but now it's fully dried it's defo a bfn.

Oh well, i'm only 9dpo today (ticker is sooo wrong!)

I'm just gonna keep poas till AF or BFP.

When will you be testing hun?

Well i suppose one early test wont hurt! Im gonna test tomorro mornin now i think fx its pos ive been trying for over a year so woukd be about time ha ha

maybe too early to test yet so fingers are still crossed for u x
Hey girls can i join this thread.
I tested yesterday morning i was either 10dpo or 12dpo (the 12dpo is if opk was correct, the 10dpo is going by temp rise, ewc and ov cramps)

The test yesterday was a bfn, but i did an opk last night and had a faint line, done an opk this morning and line is darker so dunno what that means.

No idea when af is due, thought tomorow, but if im 11dpo it would be wed/thurs

think im gonna test on satuday 12th if af doesnt arrive before that xxxx
Ooohh good luck hun, i'm officially due say 12th, but based on my last few cycle, who knows!!!

Last month i bled for 23 days..... hmmm.

Goodness that cant have been nice.

I have no idea when my af is due. the only reason im waiting another week to test is coz when/if i get my bfp i wanna be able to tell our parents straight away and my day is away with work wed-fri..so il test sat as if i get a negative then i know im defo not pregnant xxx
Couldnt wait - bfn :-( maybe wrong time of day or just too early but humphhhhhh :-(x
how many dpo wer u hun and what test did you use? was it fmu? xxx
Can I join too?

I'm down to test on the 13th. Thats when AF is due, although she appeared 3 days early last month :shakehead:

Given up symptom spotting; I always have symptoms :roll: Lets hope she stays away - if not it will then be Cycle 16:Month 16. Blah.

Good luck guys
Well I think I am out for this month. Af not arrived yet but pretty sure she's on her way :-( 11th was based on me having a 28 day cycle but last month was only 25 days. On the upside af was only 2 days las month so hopefully her visit will be over and.done with quickly this time round too. Oh well, roll on next month for a Xmas bfp then!

awe emily hope witch stays away for you, but its cool u have short cycles and short af....so techncally u could have 2 testing days in 1 month!, my last 2 cycles have been 37 days long....not fun as means alot of waiting around :(

hope she doesnt get u tho hun xxx
Hello everyone I'm testing again next thurs that's by my pregnancy testing calender on the internet I am going to go from my withdrawal period that I had from stopping the pill so I shud be due on next wed I have lots of cramps and had brown discharge last saturday I've already took three preg tests all negative so I thought ill leave testing till I'm due on I'm praying its a postive cuz I feel like I've had so many symptoms but its all prob cuz I've come off the pill on the 11th of oct anybody been in similar situation? X

I stopped taking the pill a week before the pack was die to finish and started my period 3 days later, using an ovation.kit to help predict my o days because of the bill, my periods are regular like clockwork nearly down to the hour when I'm off the pill my ovulating days were day 12, 13 and 14 according to the test we got to it on day 10, 12 and 14 and 16 (lucky husband this week haha) I'm guessing ill just get my period day 28 as usual, I've done a test which showed up negative not that im surprised I knew it was far.too early. I've had cramps, mild nausea, back ache

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