Any1 else having a hard time getting full??


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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I swear I'm like a bottomless pit recently!!
I just want to eat everything in sight! But nothing fills me up! I always have room for more!!
I even ate a full packet of oatmeal biscuits over 2 days.

I keep telling myself that because I lost a stone in tri 1, I have room to grow lol. But at this rate, I'm going to be 2 tonne tessy by the time I'm giving birth! Lol x

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Hi jajyjay how r u ? Yes I know what u mean as soon as I v eaten I want MORE hope it dont last long lol hugs xx
Yep ive gone from barely eating one meal a day before 20weeks to eating constantly ate an entire Easter egg in a day yest! :-/ hows things? x
Ive still got sickness but im sure i will be catching you up soon, I too lost a stone in Tri 1 xxx
I didnt loose any weight in first tri, but weighed myself a few days ago and havent really gained that much! I've only just started to have an increased appetite...some days I still dont eat so much coz I'm still feeling sicky! But some days I can't satisfy my
Glad I'm not alone lol. I just had a bowl of spaghetti with 4 slices of bread - FOUR!!! How greedy!!

Mrz and Em - I'm doin good thank u for asking. Hubby is spending time with his mum today and I'm catching up on housework. DH is being very strong, I can tell his heart is broken but he's trying to be everyone's rock. X

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Hi Jayjay!! Good to see you back on here, we've all missed you. Hope hubby is doing ok, as well as can be.

I'm sooo hungry most of the time but have now found that if I eat a big portion or go for seconds that my belly expands and becomes soooo uncomfortable, like I'm smuggling a bowling ball up my jumper :D so I tend to eat little and often through the day and not much at supper as I then get heart burn in bed - oh the joys!!
I ate an amazing full breakfast and 2 minutes later it all came back up, so not really kinda puts me off.
FirstBaby - omg I so know that feeling!! I normally get it when LO is having a growth spurt, and it lasts all day long and I can't eat much.
But when she's not having a growth spurt, I'm ashamed of the amount of food I can put away lol.

Calphurnia - I still get the odd day when I bring brekkie back up, but luckily they are getting further apart now lol. Hope u feel better soon x

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Glad your Dh is doing okay, x

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Glad you and Hubby are doing well sweetie.

Well I can relate to this hun!! Every night without fail I have my dinner then by 9pm my belly is screaming at me.... this week I have had a slice of toast to calm the beast inside me. Like Fist Baby I tend to eat little and often otherwise my belly feels like it is going to burst!

My thights look HUGE clearly this is where all the excess fat is depositing itself..... the joys!!

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i am starving when i wake up in the mornings, this morning i had cereal then some yogurt and wanted more!!! almost ate two blueberry muffins but my SIL is living with us atm and made me feel guilty for even thinking about it!!! I feel full around 4ish after b'fast & lunch. i feel like i need to eat a bit later at night as im not hungry at teatime. me and OH are eating at about 7.30 tonight and reckon i'll be starving by then!!!!
Yip... I could just pick and pick and pick at food! I just ate a packet of wotsits... While making my dinner, absoloutly no need, but they were tasty. My boyfriend actually laughed at me the other day cause I have a handbag full of treats :) xx
Lol I don't feel so guilty now that I know everyone's doing it!!

My MIL sent me down a box of thorntons chocolates and I just ate half of them. I finished my dinner less than an hour ago and I scoffed them anyway. No need whatsoever, but they were there and I can't have them sit there feeling unloved!

UGH I'm gona be HUGE lol x

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I'm an endless pit for sweet things, have a bag of minstrels that have nearly demolished! Though can't eat much savoury, i'm full after a tiny portion at dinner, but do make up for it with french fancies - mmmm had two boxes this week, oops!
I am always hungry and never knowing really what I want so a lot of time it is rubbish in between meals.
Omg i can eat soo mcuh and still not be full, i have to stop myself now x

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