Any tips/ things that helped


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2013
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Hi, bit of a low point at the min and I'm struggling to pick myself up, which is u like me and is scaring me.

Been over 6months since mmc and I just don't seem to be getting pregnant again despite our best efforts :( but of course I hear about other people getting pregnant and having babies and work finds me reading about woman who are having babies in terrible conditions and who can't look after them. I get so upset and I literally dread anyone announcing a pregnancy now.

Has anyone found anything at all that helps make them feel better, make more sense of it all or just cope better? Or just helped them get pregnant again?? I don't think I will feel better until I'm pregnant again, even though I will worry, but right now I just feel like I can't get pregnant and that something is wrong. My lh surges seem to last for a really long time!

Sorry for ramble, just feel I need to sometimes and here seems the only place.
Just wanted to send hugs.

Maybe taking time to talk about how you are feeling would help, with OH or a good friend or family member. The ladies on here are great too. Hope you get your BFP soon.
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After my first mmc, we waited a couple of months, tried for a couple of months, failed and went down the opk route. It took 10 months to conceive again- and I got my bfp the first month I threw the opks out. I know they work really well for lots of ladies, especially if they have irregular cycles, but I think they just stressed me out. We just try to dtd a few times around the right time of the month. I've unfortunately had three more mc, but have never been ttc for more than 3 months (watch this, I've just cursed myself and it'll be years now).
As for other tips - try not to put your life on hold. Far easier said than done and most months I fail miserably, but we have booked trips away and I do have a beer or two, even in the ttw!
Good luck, hope you get that bfp soon.
Thanks you. I do try not to stress and can't decide if I can let go of opks or not really :s

I'm very much an "I'm ok" no matter what person but have tried to be a bit more open with a couple if friends and my oh but I don't want to stress or worry him so try not to make all our time seem to focus on that esp when he's working so much at the min.

I know I need to be patient, just doesn't come naturally and I hate not knowing what's going on! But I guess we all feel like that really. Xxx
Thanks you. I do try not to stress and can't decide if I can let go of opks or not really :s

I'm very much an "I'm ok" no matter what person but have tried to be a bit more open with a couple if friends and my oh but I don't want to stress or worry him so try not to make all our time seem to focus on that esp when he's working so much at the min.

I know I need to be patient, just doesn't come naturally and I hate not knowing what's going on! But I guess we all feel like that really. Xxx

Hi Elliott, everything you are feeling is natural. We are TTC our first I'm 42 and over the last 2 years I've had 2 MMC's single baby at 11 weeks and twins at 10 weeks. It is crap, it is unfair, like you I put a brave face on and it helps me to deal with it. I think the very emotions of being pregnant made me realise I really did want to be a Mum as my desire to have my own baby is now really strong. As I'm older I found some of my friends assumed we wouldn't have children, others kept asking had we news & that we shouldn't leave trying as I was older, I found that most things friends said didn't help. I found this forum great as I have met people on a similar journey to me, my hubby knows how I'm feeling but in my case I've stopped any baby talk with my friends as I felt they were feeling so sorry that we couldn't have a baby and I just didn't want pity or to be made feel I was incomplete by not having a baby. I love my hubby and I am blessed to have crossed paths with him.

I am based in Ireland, I am not sure if you can go direct to private clinic, but to help put your mind at ease it might be worth getting all your bloods and hormones checked over here it would cost ~£280. They would check your thyroid function, antibodies, blood clotting, autoimmune tests and also your hormones on Day 3 and Day 21.

All mine came back clear - I have a treated underactive thyroid. The consultant said all the typical things - it was just bad luck, at least we got pregnant, so I'm staying positive that we will have our healthy baby bean.

Sorry my post is so long, I've read lots of stats etc the good news is that you should have a healthy pregnancy next time round most women do. I try to trust that Mother Nature knows best and that if the baby bean is not strong enough it's better that something happens in the 1st trimester than later in the pregnancy.

Take care, sending you lots of baby dust :dust: hope you get your sticky baby bean very soon.
Thanks clementine. I know I've got to just stay positive and not over think thing, just having the odd major wobble!

I would really like to get checked out just because I think it would put my mind at ease a bit but I don't know about any private clinics or anything I have done the odd google but not found what I think I'm after, must be googling wrong ha, I'm north east of England and seem to find stuff for London.

Hopefully all will come good soon, for all of us. Meantime it is lovely to have people here to talk to x

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