Any tips on finding the sex?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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I have my 20 week scan on monday but as my hospital dont tell you the sex of baby has anyone got any tips on what to look out for? Sounds like a silly question but i was told if it was a girl there is three small lines around the private area but dont know it thats true or not xx
They dont tell you? seems very odd - how is that the decision of the hospital to make?
i dont know but the scans iv seen online of boys it can be quiet obvious lol as they have winkys maybe worth researching online looking at scan pics or saving for a private sexing scan
some places dont tell simply cuz the scan is for "medical " resons not for finding out the sex. i think its abit silly tho as it dont take many minutes extra to have a look down there aswell.
if the scanlady wouldnt have showed us the winky i dont think i would have known as its hard to understand sometimes what you are looking at :D (maybe thats just me as my english is not that good i didnt listen much to what she said)
I had a private scan to confirm the sex - £50 x
I had a private scan to confirm the sex - £50 x

Sorry to hack the post where are you from in th wirral zazu?? I am just over the other side of the bridge!
I saw my boys winky before she even said boy!! Lol seems silly not to look for the sex though but they do say it's not 100% just in case!
Thanks everyone its just the hospitals policy that they are not allowed to tell the sex i dont know why but i have heard of a few different ppl sayin that the midwife doing their scan has hinted about the sex so i suppose it just really depends on whatever midwife is on that day, i really do hope we find out cos the only other option is a 3D scan like my sister got which cost her and her oh £250! im not prepared to pay that so if we dont find out tomorrow we are just waiting till the baby is born. With my son on his scans i didnt notice anything that confirmed he was a boy lol thats why im asking xx
Thanks everyone its just the hospitals policy that they are not allowed to tell the sex i dont know why but i have heard of a few different ppl sayin that the midwife doing their scan has hinted about the sex so i suppose it just really depends on whatever midwife is on that day, i really do hope we find out cos the only other option is a 3D scan like my sister got which cost her and her oh £250! im not prepared to pay that so if we dont find out tomorrow we are just waiting till the baby is born. With my son on his scans i didnt notice anything that confirmed he was a boy lol thats why im asking xx

You can get a 2d scan to find out the sex for £50 if they dont tell you, and i have seen 3d scans for £90. Make sure you ask though, i dont see why they wouldnt tell you if they can see. Keep us updated x
I asked when i was pregnant with my son and the midwife was very rude she "i am here to check for abnormalities, not the of your baby!" it ruined the whole experience but if you ask me there was no need for her to be so cheeky, and i live in northern ireland there is definatly no where i can get a 3d scan cheaper than £250. Well im leaving shortly for my scan so i will let yous all know how i get on, cant wait!! xx
At our private gender scan I knew he was a boy before they even said but at 20 week scan she ogt his bits on the screen and I couldnt see them until she actually pointed to them...

I would say without her going for a very clear shot of baby bits then you wont be able to work it out :-( xxx
I still cant tell by looking at the pics, but if my MW says its a boy thats fine by me!

Have you tried the nub theory?
there are gender prediction sites which predicted me and tons of pther people correctly by using the nub theory on your 12 - 13 weeks scan pics!

everyone said def girl on mine and she is a girl, the 20 week scan and the 3d one confirmed mine x
I was reading up on this a few weeks ago. I read that there should be a line which if it is pointing upwards, it indicates a boy, if its more horizontal, then its a girl :) Hope that helps hun.

Alot of hospitals wont tell you the sex anymore because of some cultures aborting the baby if it isnt what they want (or so i've read) xx
Hi hun, how did it go?

The nub theory is really good, it was right for me and i'm having a boy. Its got to be a side pic of a 12-13 week scan though x
omgosh i would be climbing the walls if i cant find out lol yesterday my SIL went for her scan and even though the hospital she went to gives the sex baby had legs crossed so she couldnt see anyway! xxx
the scan was brilliant im so glad the baby is fine and it is amazing seeing how much he or she has grown in only 8 weeks xx
I had a private scan to confirm the sex - £50 x

Sorry to hack the post where are you from in th wirral zazu?? I am just over the other side of the bridge!

Hiya, i live in Prenton, where do u mean by the other side of the bridge? xx

As in north wales from certain parts of the wirral you can see the bridge over to north wales and I live not far from there! :wave:

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