any ones baby had a rash that looks like this?

I hope that the antibiotics are working through his system and will clear the rash up but I understand what you mean about wanting him checked over by the hospital. Dont you hesitate to take him to a&e if you are unhappy. If he was taken in you would be allowed to stay with him, i was in with Jess at 8 weeks.

(((((((((((hugs dionne/dior/harley))))))))))))
just picked up the thread, Dionne, I am so sorry to hear about little Harley! Sending you both plenty of hugs, and don't hesitate to take him to A&E!
I would be into pieces if Maheen had the same spots!!! I can't believe the doctor didn't pick it up at first!!!!
You are a much better mummy than he is a doctor!!! :wink:
Let us know, I hope the antibiotics work quickly!
Take care,
Mel xx
awwww poor harley, get well soon babe ((hugs))
Harley didnt sleep a wink last night he was sick all night all together i think hes kept about 2oz down. his rash looks worse im knackerd, im taking himserguryto get him weighed this morning, Diors going to her nans today so i can concentrate on getting Harley better.

cheers for all your well wishs
awwww the poor lil boy n poor u!!
hope u get on ok today hun n harley gets betta soon
Hi Dionne, Really hope Harley gets better soon. Its so awful when they are ill and we cant do nothing to help :(
(((((hugs))))) to both of you hun xx
(( hugs)) hope he's better soon Dionne. Poor little fella & poor you.

If he doesnt improve i'd take him to A&E

Hope Harley gets better soon.
If he been sick all night i think i would take him to a&e.
Just for my own peace of mind, as they can get dehydrated so quickly.
Sorry not trying to scare you babe.
I'd be out of my mind worrying, can't believe the doctors were so crap at first, i really have no confindence in doctors any more.
I'll only see one particular doctor at our surgery - unfortuantley so does 3/4 of the village!

Gett well soon harley!
Just take him to A&E and don't bother with the doctors they're useless. I've taken Zara to A&E a couple of times and they're brilliant. I'm sure he'll be better soon but it's no good you worrying yourelf to death.

Get well soon Harley!!!
hi girlsHarleys rash has one but now the antibiotix have made me get thrush in his mouth :roll:

its never ending poor lil thing, and i feelmore guilty as Dior has gone to her other nannys again today, but she gets soooo jelous sharing me.

Harleys still got chest infection but doctor was more happy with him yesterday said we can tackle the problem our self with out him going to hospital as long as his chest is clear by friday :)

Im glad its slowly getting better for him.
I know what you mean about it never ending for him .
Give hugs to him for us .

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