Any one had a positive induction experience?


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Hey guys, well it looks pretty much certain that I'm getting induced either next week or the week after. Quite worried about this as I really wanted a natural birth and have heard some real horror stories about inductions.

Really worried that I won't be able to cope with the pain and will need more pain relief which isn't in my birth plan as I don't react well to morphine etc.. makes me really ill.

Hubby is really worried too as his ex-wife had a horrendous induction that ended in an emergency c-section where both her and the baby stopped breathing, luckily they both made it but it doesn't instil you with confidence. Just a bit worried and was wondering whether anyone had had a positive induction, and how it compares to a natural birth?

Thanks guys :D
Hiya, sorry no advice but stalking this thread now as I also might well have to be induced (due to GD) and its the last thing I have wanted x
Aw i hope someone can help you out hun. I am also getting induced and i am rather worried. Its the whole not knowing i suppose xx
Oh this would be a nightmare idea for me too, as yes all the stories of induction seems to lead to further pain relief (not all however!). What are the reasons you will get induced? Sorry if you have explained this elsewhere.
I have read in the hypnobirthing book that you can ask to be monitored daily when you go well over your due date rather than being induced, if the baby is safe then they have to go with your wishes and wait til baby comes naturally, but obviously there are times when it's just safer to get baby out.. I asked this at my antenatal and the midwife said this was true.

I have read a positive induction story on here however!
I'm getting induced due to GD and cholestasis? Sp? Been really itchy as my liver function is crap, also been in perm labour a few weeks back so they've decided to get baby out as my body is not coping. Just worried about it,
Hey girlies. I was induced by drip with my Grace. I was 12 days over and they thought she may have pooed but she didn't but they decided to go ahead with it anyway as I was all set up for it. I was 3-4cm at 7 days over due without any pain. Induction wasn't as bad as thought it
Would / heard. I coped with gas and air and my labour was about 8 hours. I had a positive experience. Every birth is different. My birth story is in birth announcements under Grace 24/05/11 hope this helps x
Apart from my failed induction(due to a bad batch of gels) mine wasnt too bad, the gels worked for me so i didnt need the drip.
I had gas and air and diamorphine for pain relief plus i had a big baby at 9lb 5oz.
Good luck sweetie, remember keep an open mind for pain relief and everyones labour is different x x
My friend had one and she is a massive wimp and she said that it really wasnt that bad, she did have pethadine early on but as I said she is such a wimp that I really didnt know how she would give birth!!
I had one due to GD at 38 weeks, I didn't respond well to the pessarys and drip never got past 3 cms. Was well gutted. In end I got infection as waters had been gone to long. Plus my son was distressed and not getting enough oxygen. I ended up having a section it isn't that bad you know. Plus after two solids days of no sleep and constant pain I was begging them for one. My experience well may be different hunny, but I ended up having two blood transfusions as oxygen count was low and had oxygen tube stuck up my days for two days after x
My induction story is on here Birth story of Rhea Grace it was my second induction. my first was by pessary had 4 lots and things took 25hrs to get started. my waters broke at 10pm i was 1cm dilated (this was with my first baby) was checked again at 11.30 and had got to 3cm at midnight started g&a and they started me on drip as they said my contractions werent strong enough !! was only on the drip a short while. asked for pethadine bout 2.30 am as they gave it mebout 2.45 the pain changed had pressure baby hr was dropping so they cut to get him out quicker he was born healthy at 3.02am after 3 pushes !! hope this helps xxx
I was induced due to GD and it was a very positive experience! Went in Monday late afternoon and had pessary then another later that eve, Tues morning I had waters broken then put on the drip, had gas and air and then epidural from around 3pm then baby born before 11pm. I stayed at 3cm all day then dilated fully in a couple of hours. I don't know if it would have been so enjoyable without the epidural though! Will be happy to do it again :D
I was induced by drip and had an epidural, I personally couldn't have done it without but everone is different. Good luck x
I was induced and established labour was 3 hours. Coped with G&A and Morphine and would do it again 2moro. I didn't read any birth stories or induction stories so as not to panic. Just chill and enjoy, and know that when they start the induction its the beginnings of finally meeting your LO :)
I had a positive experience too..I was induced for GD on the 24th my birth story is under Stanley Jude...

Managed with only G&A and established labour was 2h49m :)

you'll be fine hun, just dont panic, the calmer you are the easier your body gets on with things xxx
Hey! Everyone's experience will differ and an induction can go to plan :) defiantly try and go in with a positive outlook. I was induced at 42 weeks and had one pessary which was kept in for 24 hours. By the time the pessary was taken out I was 3cm and contracting every 7 minute and they were nippy but manageable. I had pethadine and within 2 hours was ready to push. I ended up with a section but only because my lo was turning in the birth canal but got half way round (as if her face was pointing to my leg) and by that point she was too low and so got stuck. Nothing to do with induction.

Good luck and hope all goes smoothly for you!
I was induced after waters went, but didn't go into labour, so 18 hours after waters went and cervix had opened they induced me via drip.

I didn't want to be induced, but needs must! I did 7.5 hours forced contractions with no pain relief, then I had an epidural and got myself to fully dilated. By the time I was fully dilated I had been on the drip for 14 hours, then I did 3 hours of pushing, but baby hadn't fully turned and was so stuck and distressed that I had to have emercgency section.

My baby was distressed though from when my waters went as I had excess fluid and when it came away so quickliy he got distressed, then the forecd labour, and then getting stuck was too much for him. If he hadn't of got stuck though I would've got him out after 1.5 hours of pushing.

Epidural was magic! Cried like a baby to have it inserted coz it terrifies me, but OMG once that bad boy gets working... no more pain!

Thanks guys, nice to hear some positive stories :) made me feel much better, got my appointment tomorrow without he consultant and as my feet and hands have got worse, and my blood sugars have been up my MW says they might keep me in, will just have to wait and see!
Good luck tomorrow. I was induced with a days notice two days after due date as i had too much fluid. One bit of advice I would give is defo book the epidural, you can always cancel it. The reason I say this is that I wasn't going to, but changed my mind and if I hadn't i'd have to have waited three hours! But i didn't have one until a good six hours in. My birthing plan was no pain relief in a birthing centre (that changed!).

I had gel at first, then they broke my waters then I had two lots of the drip. I had my epidural topped up ummm.....10 times! But it ended up leaking or not working so when it came to pushing I could stand up, which was great as that got me going. It was recorded in my notes as pushing for six minutes!!!!!! So when it finally happened it was quick.

Oh and gasnair rocks!
If your waters go, I'd advise to try and see if contractions start naturally before you let them give you the drip.

I wish I'd said no to the drip straight away! But I didn't and I ended up a section because the drip didn't agree with me!
Yeh theyre hoping as im getting pretty strong regular BH that I will have started to dilate slightly myself and they can just break my waters. I then have the option of waiting to see what happens or the drip, im opting for the wait and see what happens. Will also be trying every old wives tale under the sun before now and then! lol ooh got my date by the way! Next tuesday, which is the 13th! Eep!

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