I was induced with the drip at 33 weeks. Started at approx 9.30am and she was born at 8.42pm.
It's certainly true that the contractions come on thick and fast, and I wasn't expecting that so got a bit of a shock, paniced, and asked for an epidural stright away. Epi was fab!
TBH, and I don't want to scare you, but you should be prepared, then nothing will be so bad...once you're induced there is the cascade of intervention. That is, once you're induced, you're more likely to need an epidural. Once you have an epidural, you're more likely to need assisted delivery, (forceps, ventouse), more likely to need episiotomy etc.
But, if you know that's likely and you're having a very managed labour and delivery, you'll cope. And with an epidural, you won't feel a thing!
Good luck!!