Not telling precise due date?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Anyone else?

I'm being very vague about our due date and have so far only said Pip is due November.

The reason behind this? A due date is an estimate and everyone is transfixed on it. On the lead up to due date you get 'is baby here yet', on due date you get 'is baby here yet', after due date you get 'is baby here yet!' It gets more than annoying :roll:

There was a fab link on facebook to a blog a while back regarding this.... found it :)

Anyway, I have requested an elective c-section, so should not have this problem as only very close family will know if and when section is booked. But I dont want all of the 'baby will be here soon', 'have you had any sign yet?' comments.

I'm the same... in fact I read somewhere that it's better to think of yourself as having a "due month" rather than a "due date", so I've been vaguely saying "early November" if people ask.

However I can see this getting tricky as times goes on and people get nosier..!
I do the exact same i usually just say im due september as i hate due dates as most babies dont come on there due date anyway xx
I have told a few people our EDD but mostly I just say I am due early August.... I really don't want a constant count down because I already know how many weeks I have left! xx
I have told anyone and everyone that will listen I am due on Bonfire night :shock: :lol:

I feel like it's the more sensible way of thinking about it or I might go mad. I think I'm actually a week behind my EDD, so lord knows when LO will appear. I shall resist an induction if they think I'm really late. I usually tell people mid-June unless they actually ask for a date. TBH I haven't told that many people. Most of my Facebook 'friends' don't know that I'm even pregnant and our families have kept it largely to themselves. I think most people who do know won't be pestering us, though, cos they are sensible and sensitive.
This is my first so I dont know myself but I honestly think that must be one of the most annoying things ever!
I cant imagine how uncomfortable I'll be on my due date but I definitely wont be impressed if people start ringing me asking questions and being nosy!

A girl on my facebook has just had a baby and I could tell she was getting annoyed at everyone writing 'tips and advice' on her wall when obviously she had already tried them all!

I think I'd lose my temper and snap! Thats why Ive not bothered to tell anyone else but family and banned them from mentioning it on facebook. Although my family is the size of a small town so I'll probably still get all the messages :( xxx
I've not thought about it that way but only my family and closest friends know the exact date, I just tell everyone else I'm due in early-mid August. No one has asked for me to be more specific x

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I only give people the exact date as it's easy!

"I'm due on Bonfire Night" otherwise I'd just say November!

I can't wait to have my little firecracker :lol:

I was the same Charlie Bear, I had an planned section too so knew the date, but wanted to keep it private. I told anyone that asked - except two mates and mum and sister, (including my kids , as they can't keep a secret) till the xmas , that I was due end of Jan 2011, when I had Devon 6th Jan! I was little bumped, so they had no idea..keep it your secret, adds more surprise when you announce!!
Im the same have only told people im due Sept not the exact date and ive gone reallly private since becoming pregnant i have turned off my facebook and there are alot of people i used to say hi to but i wouldnt want involved in my child! I have also banned everyone from putting anything on facebook i dont want people i dont like commenting on my child. Its weird though i used to be a facebook addict i think this is something motherhood is doing to me!xx
i agree - i've only told people i'm due in 'august'. my dd was 2 weeks over and the asking drove me crazy! xxx
When I eventually told people I was preg with E, I just said the end of November! I was sick of it with k, getting messages every 2 mins! Worked really well actually an I'll defo be doing it next time!

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