Any July 2017 Mummies?

I'm around the first few weeks of July, I had a miscarriage before I got my bfp for this pregnancy so can't really date exactly. I did goto the Epu (had groin pain) and they thought I was around 6 weeks last week.

Todays the first day I've felt human as every day for the last 2 weeks I've had really bad nausea and sickness, although my boobs really really hurt still.

Fx all goes well now, cant wait to tell everyone around Christmas time but dont get seen by midwife till 10 weeks.
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Congrats bright diamond!

My booking in app is on 28th next tues. Do you think I'll get my scan before xmas? I really want to put the pics in crackers!
Not been on for a week or so as I have been feeling so ill but "touch wood" the last two days I've felt really good hardly any nausea. I'm having to eat every few hours but I can cope with that. I've now had my booking in appointment and got a scan 20th Dec (an early xmas present). My youngest son has got use to the idea now of mummy having a baby and is even thinking of names.
My only worry now is that I don't "feel" pregnant, I'm so impatient I keep dreaming about a bump and feeling movement and wake up feeling sad. I blame hormones , I almost cried at the lidl advert today and all it showed was turkeys running about.
Congratulations spiritedaway!
Aww I hope you do jamsmom, that's a lovely idea!
Glad you're feeling better amy.
I'm the same, trying not to overthink and worry too much but can't help it! Symptoms have disappeared pretty much and lower back is aching a fair bit. Wish I hadn't Googled that! :'(
I don't feel at all pregnant either girls. 8+4 today. No sickness or tiredness and my boobs aren't sore any more and all my food aversions have disappeared. It's so hard not to worry! I had my booking appt yesterday and the MW said I won't get an early scan after just 1 miscarriage which was a bit rubbish as I hoped they would give me one, but oh well. There aren't any private scan places within an hour of where I live otherwise I would get one. It's dragging so much I feel I've been pregnant about 6 years lol xx
I wish i had no symptoms. I'm sick all the time, spotty skin, fuzzy feeling in my head and tired all the time..

I know i would worry if they dissapeared though.
I'm only 5 weeks tomorrow so definitely won't get a scan before Xmas, unless I pay for a private one. Is anyone else thinking of doing this? They do things a bit differently here, I have to go to a pre booking in drop in clinic on Monday before I can even attempt to make an appointment with the midwife. I am just really suffering with extreme fatigue. I work long days at work and really struggling! Xxx
It's nice not feeling sick all the time, but I think I'd rather have that just so I'm not worrying lol.
I always used to have quite spot prone skin before, but it's cleared up loads lately! I'd just put it down to the pregnacare tablets, didn't realise spotty skin was a symptom of it :o

It is quite rubbish ams, ours only does it after 3 miscarriages or if something is wrong like pains or blood xx
My symptoms come and go. My boobs are hardly even sore and I'm only getting occasional stomach cramps. I get pangs of am empty feeling which isn't quite nausea.
My symptoms have been coming and going too. Not been on here for a while as I kept comparing myself to everyone else and was getting really paranoid, I was also convinced that all the symptoms I had were in my head. I had my first midwife appointment last week and didn't come away feeling reassured like I'd hoped, although I don't really know what I was expecting. She also said my scan would be between the 15th and 29th or Dec so I was feeling a bit down that it wouldn't be before Christmas and was considering going private just for peace of mind. Then today I couldn't do my jeans up and my scan appointment came though for the 16th so I'm feeling much more positive (albeit very fat).

Tri 1 really messes with your head though, it's tough going mentally and physically!
I'm glad you'll get to see your little one nice and soon! I suppose I'll be looking at the New year for mine. It's easy to get caught up in it all so i can understand why you've kept your distance, I did find myself paranoid initially about miscarriage and it's not something I would have ever really contemplated if it hadn't been for seeing it so much on this forum. But I'm keeping my spirits high and hoping for the best!
So many getting NGOs congratulations!!! Just wondering if anyone else is struggling to get warm? I'm absolutely freezing all the time hubbys moaning cause I've had the heating on full whack all day haha xxx
That'll be something lovely for you to look forward to once the Christmas and New year madness has passed! I think all the new hormones floating about can't be helping our mental states either
So many getting NGOs congratulations!!! Just wondering if anyone else is struggling to get warm? I'm absolutely freezing all the time hubbys moaning cause I've had the heating on full whack all day haha xxx

I'm the opposite im boiling hot all the time. My oh is moaning because i can't have the heating on lol
NGOs? Haha I meant BFP! I saw my midwife today she's really happy I can have a successful vbac :) also I'm not having the downs testing this time because it can be wrong and I'm honestly not bothered xxx
I'm meeting my midwife on the 14th December....

Which doesn't seem like far away at all... I have my scan on the 9th and then that..
Well I caved and booked an early scan today. It's going to be on 18th December when I'll be 8+2 according to lmp. Going to ring and book my appointment with the midwife next week.

Violet that's great news. I'm also hoping for a vbac this time round xx
Well I caved and booked an early scan today. It's going to be on 18th December when I'll be 8+2 according to lmp. Going to ring and book my appointment with the midwife next week.

Violet that's great news. I'm also hoping for a vbac this time round xx

Ooh really? I hope we get it Hun and I hope your scan goes well too :) my midwife did say if I'm not progressing steadily they'll bail out and just get me into surgery which I'm refusing caus elabour isn't straightforward and they can't just do that without my consent. I know it's early days for the both of us but how do you feel about vbac? I feel much more relaxed this pregnancy xxx
I was reading something on a fb group the whole 9 months that i found really intersting as i felt like i had no control over my sons birth. i will copy and paste it here as i think its important we all remember this

Did you know that YOU hold all the power when decision making for your pregnancy, your birth and your mothering?

YOU call all the shots!

YOU choose to consent or not to consent!

Far too often during pregnancy we hear "I'm not allowed" and I'm totally calling bullshit on that!

It's time we all started to shout back "I am a.fucking.llowed"

Even if you decide that you agree with anything that is being suggested regarding your birth, please know that you are 'allowed' to agree to OR to disagree to anything that is offered to you during pregnancy and birth

If you feel a bit unsure of your powers check out Birth Rights, yep a whole website that talks about your rights, and my darling you have a shed load of em ����

Never let anyone take the control of what happens to you or your baby during pregnancy and birth away from you ����������
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