Any advice for us TTC ladies


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Hi ladies :wave:

I dont know if this is the right place to post this, but am hoping if you ladies who have got your :bfp: can give us ladies who are TTC some tips on getting that :bfp:

How long you were trying for?

Did you use OPK's?

How often did you :bd:?

Did you check your cm?

Hope if use dont mind me asking??:blush:
Tho I am also back in TTC :-( I may as well answer:

I wasn't really trying but got caught 2 weeks after ovarian drilling :shock:
I wasn't using OPK's
I bd'd 2 times that month due to circumstances :shock:
I didn't check my cm but it was blatantly obvious so I couldn't miss it really :sick:

I know this time I am actively doing things to know when is the best time xx
Hi ladies :wave:

I dont know if this is the right place to post this, but am hoping if you ladies who have got your :bfp: can give us ladies who are TTC some tips on getting that :bfp:

How long you were trying for?

Did you use OPK's?

How often did you :bd:?

Did you check your cm?

Hope if use dont mind me asking??:blush:

Trying for about 9 month? i think.
Used OPK's
BD 4 days before OV and the day of Ov and the day after...sometimes less.
Checked CM sometimes but relied on the OPK's

All i can suggest is use OPK's, Bd on the right days, Hold your legs up for half an hour after sex and folic acid. :) Hope you all get your BFP's soon xxx
i had been off the pill for 3 months. def use opks......we BD'd on the 2 days i got my positive result and hey presto!!

i didn't BD after ovulation...last BDd on the monday night and i reckon egg popped out monday through night or early tuesday morning..

never really had much cm to speak of and i also didnt hold my legs up. got straight up after both times of doing it that weekend....!!!

i was taking pregnacare
Thank you ladies.. Will defnitaly use your tip's if i dont get BFP this month xx
I was trying for 7 months

The month i got my BFP:
I had stringy/stretchy CM
Used OPK's
We BD day before OV and day after
I didnt bother putting my legs up!

Hope it helps x
Spinney did you not BD on the actual day of ov then? xx

Hi Positivity, not that particular month. I cant exactly be sure when we conceived but i had a little feeling that it was the day after OV BD that did it!:)
I would say def use OPKs, even if you have a regular cycle you can still OV a couple of days earlier or later than expected. I had a 2 day surge so BD'd on both days, apart from that had a really relaxed month, kept busy and focused on other things which I'm sure played a part. Lots and lots of luck for you, have faith because it will happen soon x x x
Thanks heartbroken! This is a usefull thread for all of us doing ttc.

Good luck to you! Hope you get your bfp soon! Will too try these tips if I dont get my bfp this month!


This is for all us ladies in TTC.. Hoping we get our BFP :)

Im goint to try opks next month if the :witch: gets me but fx she's gone for the next 9 months :)..
I bd'ed once, two days before ov (as we want a girl)., didn't use opk or put legs up. Had coil removed 5 days before we bd'ed xxx
Hi ladies :wave:

I dont know if this is the right place to post this, but am hoping if you ladies who have got your :bfp: can give us ladies who are TTC some tips on getting that :bfp:

How long you were trying for? we were really fortunate every time, got our BFP by the second month (3 pg's)

Did you use OPK's? no

How often did you :bd:? every other day beginning 3-5 days before ov and usually one day after for good measure. (Some places will tell you to dtd every day, but I also read - and tend to believe - the sperm count builds up more if you wait another day?) I also always kept my legs up for a while afterward, and then I'd just stay in bed and go to sleep. I don't know why, but I just thought if I stayed lying down it would help everything "stay in there" better.

Did you check your cm? YES!!!
Hope if use dont mind me asking??:blush:

I really wish you the best of luck!!!!
I've been trying for 4 months (all 3 of my pregnancys have been conceived in the 4th cycle. Weird???)

Yes, I used OPKs

BDed CD12-14, +ve OPK CD16

Nothing speacial re BDing - no legs up or anything just slept with swimmers in. Eeeew. Sorry if tmi!!

Good luck everyone !
I was only property TTC for a.month, although I'd slept with a guy the month before I thought I might be pregnant.
I had a sperm donor, and had 5 donations in August, I probably fell pregnant on the last donation which was lucky because he was going back to work offshore and i would have had to wait till October for more donations. I used opks but the line wasn't strong till the last donation. Because it was Artificial insemination I made sure I lay with my pelvis raised, also had an orgasm while I inserted the sperm. I started taking folic acid that month. But didn't change anything else really.

Good luck!


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