Any advice for first time mums?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2014
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This is my first bub, getting a bit nervous thinking about labour/birth!

Any great advice out there? whether it be about pain relief, how to get through contractions..anything!

I think everyone is different. I was determined to do it as natural as possible and to me ignorance was bliss I avoided horror stories etc. Sorry not much help however I will say go into it with an open mind as it isn't often something you can plan. I found with contractions laying down was awful so always kept moving.
The body is an amazing thing and you will be surprised how much you can cope with. Im thinking of trying a tens machine this time hopefully.
Dont fight with your body. Just go with it.
Stay open and don't be scared was my best advice. We were made to give birth and you'll be amazed how strong our bodies are. Go with what's best for you and what makes you feel comfortable.
* Don't be afraid of labour - yes it hurts and yes it is one of the toughest things you will ever do BUT you will do it and fearing it will automatically mean you approach it from a negative mind set.
* Use relaxation CD's leading up to the big day. I used the Maggie Howell CD from about 32 weeks and although I didn't actually use the principles of Natal hypnotherapy I felt calm - even excited - leading up to giving birth.
* Stay at home as long as possible
* when you think labour is starting eat and drink and rest if you can. Save your strength.
* Don't get too hung up on having the "perfect" labour. Things wont always go to plan.
* Don't let family put pressure on you to come whilst you are in labour / have just had baby.
* Don't put too much pressure on yourself immediately after baby arrives. You may struggle to BF, you may feel very emotional, you may feel very overwhelmed. Just take it hour by hour day by day.

I could go on all day - but I won't - in short labour is something no-one can prepare you for but you'll be fine

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I don't think anything anyone says can prepare you personaly for labour. Everyone says "you'll know when it's real labour" but I was so stupidly laid back about it that my body ahd switched off after 3 days of what I thought was "BH" and when my waters broke in the early hours, while I was laying in bed unable to sleep, I thought I'd wet myself and ended up going in to mat ward to be induced because even after hours of wandering rounjd hospital grounds, my body was so relaxed it wasn't sending the contraction signals to my brain! I refused to let it hurt, so something switched off! Once it kicked in, it was all over and done a couple of hours (all of it!!) but I couldn't have been prepared for that if I'd tried!
We are all SO different, you just have to try to stay as calm and relaxed as possible and just go with whatever your body is telling you!
Good luck x
I was terrified of labour especially the pushing part, but let me tell you you will surprise yourself! I was expecting to go in get an epidural and go down that route but I didn't, I had gas n air and pethidine and I was bloody proud! You will go through the motions of being convinced that it is impossible but I promise you it's not! Also the moment you hold that baby in your arms you will realise it was worth very second of pain!
I wish you the best of luck and I'm sure you'll be fine :) x. X
Be flexible in your birth plan then if things change you won't feel like a failure or put pressure on yourself. I also had my sister as a birth partner and she was a great help in doing the foot massage, cold face spray etc and she helped my partner have breaks (he had to go out when epidural went in as needle phobic) etc and we all had a bit of a laugh at some things and kept it light. Stay relaxed as feaar will inhibit the oxytocin in your system getting those contractions strong and effextive on your cervix for a good labour.
Best advice I was given was leave your pride on the doorstep and pick up when you leave lol x
Lol mumnymouse is soooo right i didn't care who wue have walked in wen I was in Labour or who saw me I just wanted him out!! Pride has no place in Labour!! I was terrified of giving birth but excited too which was so strange to b excited n scared all at once. I was induced early and was terrified of that too but I ended up giving birth real quick 4hrs start to finish n only in pain for an hr or so n I had no time for pain relief so all natural for me!! Defo just go with it as it body will no wat to do!! And wen it's over u Wil forget ant pain quickly because they r so worth it.

Labour is fresh in my mind as DD is 13 days old.

Trust your body, I rang the labour ward 3 times saying I thought I should come in and they told me to stay at home as it she was my first, takes a long time etc etc. In the end I went up anyway expecting to be sent home but was actually 8cm already and she was born within the will know when it's time to go!

I found standing up was best for my contractions, with one hand on the wall and one putting pressure on the front of my foo (don't know why it helped but it did!) not a great look trying to get from the car park to the labour suite though haha!
Try to breathe through the contractions taking deep breaths in then blowing out the pain as at eases. I found I barely spoke to hubby and got a bit irritated if he spoke to me in the middle of one...I was in my zone

Listen to the midwife, I remember her saying as I was pushing not to blow the contraction away but to use it to push baby made sense, I did as she said and out she popped!

Remember you can do it and you will forget the pain when they lay baby on you, good
Remember that a successful birth has a healthy baby at the end of it. The route you take to get there is irrelevant in the long run. It's no failure to require a section or an assisted delivery or a delivery with pain relief.

I will say though that if you intend to breastfeed talk to someone before labour if you can about what support there is available afterwards and make sure you insist on it. Any kind of pain relief can interfere with breastfeeding to a certain extent so having extra support afterwards is essential. This is not to put you off using pain relief. Just to remind you that it may take a little longer to get started with feeding and it's important not to give up if it's something you want to do just because you don't get the support you need.
thanks for everyone's advice, 16 weeks eeeek!!
I was so nervous too worried about pain and how id cope, my labour started around 3 am but really kicked off arou d 10am, I took 2 paracetamol and went to hospital, my son was born shortly after 2pm, I had gas and air and thats it, the pain was nowhere near as bad as I thought it wouldbe, I thought getting my legs waxed was worse, just go with the flow, if u want the pain relief its there take it, do not suffer and remember your body was designed to do this you will have a beautiful baby in hour arms at the end and it is worth every little bit of discomfort
wow hope i have a labor the same as yours mummywanab! lol makes me feel a tad better :)
I just saw this and the advice on the post has been so helpful! Thanks all! :)
The 2 things that worked for me: Blow away the pain - breath in as the contraction starts and as it gets painful, breathe out and blow the pain away. Second thing was to stay on your feet in labour and sway your hips in a figure 8 pattern. It helps move the baby down and it gives you something to concentrate on.

Oh, and make as much noise as you need to. I was self-conscious with my first baby but with the second I just let the moans come out and it really helped. Good luck!
thanks! i will remember the figure of 8 that sounds really helpful x

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