I went for my first scan on Monday partly for a dating scan because I wasn't sure of my dates it turned out that I was 11wks 4 days so they decided to proceed with the nuchal scan. As they were looking at the baby even I noticed how big the nuchal seemed and it was measured at 3.7, my heart began to sink, they took bloods to be sent of for testing and the midwife prebooked me in for a cvs for Wednesday. The results came back on Tuesday which was baby had 1:2 chance of having Down's syndrome. Wednesday I nervously went for the cvs testing which was uncomfortable but it was worth it to see my little 'bubba' again and the doctor had a good look at baby and his thoughts was that it was more chromosomal than heart defects but I was told that if the results came back normal then at 20 weeks I would have to have a more detailed scan if baby's heart, so, I am anxiously waiting for the results to come back which might be today or at the latest it will be Tuesday for the initial results for trisomy 21, I feel sick, I can't sleep, I'm worrying but trying to keep a brave face and really trying to be positive.