Results of the CVS test!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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I'm pleased to report news on the CVS result.

I had a phone call on the mobile this afternoon whilst I was out. It was Julie, the midwife from Kings College Hospital, with the results of the CVS test. :shock: I didn't know they worked on Sundays... wasn't really expecting a call till tomorrow. She said apparently she came in to deliver the results as she knew there was a backlog. Bless her. :angel:

Anyway, it's all GOOD news! No Downs, No Edwards Syndrome, No Spina Bifida, no sickle cell. No problems at all with the baby! :dance: :clap:

She also said the sexual hormones were all normal. I asked if I could know what sex the baby was... she said.. "if you want to"... so I said "yes please".... and she said

"It's a BOY!" :D

What great news. Both my OH and my son were hoping it would be a boy. I really don't mind either way so long as the baby was healthy - which I now know he is!! :clap: When we got home we rang round all the family and told them the great news. They were all really ahppy. 8)

I've been feeling rough the last couple of days, suffering with a cold and the wait for news, now I feel like all that is forgotten. That one phone call truly made my weekend, no.. my week!

Thank you Julie - MW at KCH - and thank you so much ladies here for your kind words over the last week. :)

way hey hun im so pleased for you so glad it was such great news for you. :cheer: :dance: :dance: :cheer:

And huge congrats on your little boy not long now hun to go :hug: :hug:
congrats on your little boy and your results

time to come over to Tri 2 we've got a seat waiting for you :D
Yay Sabrina! I am so so happy for you and so glad that this pregnancy can now feel more real for you and you can let yourself bond with your lovely baby boy!

I am so so pleased for you honey - can you post your scan photos now? I have been dying to see them!

Just think, you'll just have to do it all over again to get a baby girl next time!

Come, come over the tri 2, I need some friends! Apparently there's cake there!

Valentine xxx
Thanks lovely ladies. I'm so happy today :lol:

I'll be over to the 2nd Trimester from tomorrow. See you there! Hope you have saved me some cake, a welcome drink and a goodie bag! :dance:

Congratulations, I am so so pleased for you :clap:
Also congratulatios on another boy!! :hug:
Just have to wait for my results now :roll:
Nikki xxx
That's really fantastic news!
Well done!
Hopefully you can relax now and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
congratulations! Now you can relax a bit and enjoy your pregnancy!

thats great news sabrina :cheer:

and you get a blue one too!! boys rule lol
Thanks Ladies, the excitement is starting to set in. I could hardly sleep last night with all the thoughts rushing through my head. :lol:

(Am I the only one who loves posting and watching her "ticker" move up a day???)... roll on 17th July!!

xx :cheer:
:dance: :dance: :cheer:

Excellent news Sabrina, so pleased for you! what a huge relief!
Sabrina, I am the same, have to check mine every day too!!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thats great congrats on the boy!! nice that you can find out so early
Thanks again Ladies.

I'm now moving on to the 2nd Trimester as I am officially 14 weeks today!! Woo-hoo. :dance:

See you there or back here when I pop in from time to time. Good luck everyone. :hug:

bye hun :wave:

Il be over in a few days so il see you then over on tri 2 how exciting :cheer: :cheer: :hug:

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