Antithrombin III deficiency??


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
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Hi girls,

As some of you may remember I have now suffered 3 miscarriages. Since the last one at end of Feb the doctor has done loads of blood tests and think we're nearly at the bottom of it. Results have come back showing that my Antithrombin III is low which is a protein in the blood that prevents clotting. With my last 2 pregnancies I've passed a lot of clots which has then lead to mc.

Has ayone else been diagnosed with this then gone on to have healthy normal pregnancies? I've done a lot of reading online about it and think I'll need to get herparin injections thoughout any future pregnancies. Herparin is a blood thinner which would reduce the likelihood of clots. It's a bit worrying though as I've read stuff that says chances of still births are high with this deficiency. Even outwith pregnancy it says my chance of DVT is increased. I'm flying this week, will defs be making sure I've got the flight socks on!!

Any experiences in this would be much appreciated :)

Hi Cosmogirl7, I don't have direct experience but my friends sister had 5 miscarriages before they realised she needed blood thinners as she had a blood clotting problem, she then took the treatment and went on to have a healthy baby boy, followed by healthy twins. I'm not sure if she took the blood thinners prior to conception or just from a bfp onwards. The statistics on the Internet can be scary so I try to avoid them , I'd ask the doctor if can give you more information about pregnancy outcomes, but I'm glad they found the issue for you. FX you get your sticky baby bean soon x
Thanks Clemintine, really appreciate the reply.

I get the impression I'll have to take them all the time now whether pregnant or not but need to go back and see the dr to clarify this. She's done a repeat blood test just to make sure it's low again. At the moment I'm taking baby aspirin and high dose folic acid but I took the baby aspirin during my last pregnancy and although clotting was less than the time before it still happened so I must need some stronger.

Feel like time is going so slow right now, dying for ovulation time to come but got another 3 or 4 weeks to wait yet!! xxx
I don't have any answers but wanted to wish you luck. Try not to google too much, you will always get the horror stories, remember there are risks with everything and people only tend to write about it when it hasn't gone well, there are far more that are fine but don't write about it cos there is no need if you know what I mean?
Hope it all works out for you next time xx
I was never diagnosed as I got pregnant shortly before my recurrent miscarriage appointment, but I took aspirin throughout my first pregnancy and for the first trimester of this pregnancy. Every other pregnancy failed. As I was never diagnosed it's just conjecture that it was a clotting issue, but I've always had issues with blood and veins in general, and it was always the clots that I noticed being a problem.

If your doctor hasn't already suggested it, maybe ask if it would be useful to start taking baby aspirin when ttc or straight after bfp to prevent clotting early on.

Glad you've got some answers, fingers crossed xx
I don't have any answers but wanted to wish you luck. Try not to google too much, you will always get the horror stories, remember there are risks with everything and people only tend to write about it when it hasn't gone well, there are far more that are fine but don't write about it cos there is no need if you know what I mean?
Hope it all works out for you next time xx

Thanks lovely, I really hope we both get some good news soon. We've both been around too long and no babies to show for it. I've noticed a couple of ladies on here whom I remember from TTC at first that have had their baby and are now preggers again, crazy!!xxx
I was never diagnosed as I got pregnant shortly before my recurrent miscarriage appointment, but I took aspirin throughout my first pregnancy and for the first trimester of this pregnancy. Every other pregnancy failed. As I was never diagnosed it's just conjecture that it was a clotting issue, but I've always had issues with blood and veins in general, and it was always the clots that I noticed being a problem.

If your doctor hasn't already suggested it, maybe ask if it would be useful to start taking baby aspirin when ttc or straight after bfp to prevent clotting early on.

Glad you've got some answers, fingers crossed xx

Thanks for your reply Leesey. I have been taking baby aspirin since ttc before mc number 3, it did reduce the clotting but I still got it and miscarried again so I don't think taking aspirin alone is strong enough for me. xxx
I don't have any answers but wanted to wish you luck. Try not to google too much, you will always get the horror stories, remember there are risks with everything and people only tend to write about it when it hasn't gone well, there are far more that are fine but don't write about it cos there is no need if you know what I mean?
Hope it all works out for you next time xx

Thanks lovely, I really hope we both get some good news soon. We've both been around too long and no babies to show for it. I've noticed a couple of ladies on here whom I remember from TTC at first that have had their baby and are now preggers again, crazy!!xxx

I totally agree, been in and out of ttc and tri 1 too often, too much heartache. We deserve some luck soon. I have noticed that too with some of the ladies being on their second pregnancies. I have my fingers crossed that we will be joining to tri's soon and making it all the way to our take home babies xx
Hi cosmo. I had abnormal clotting tests on mc testing after 4 mc. They couldn't find any known diagnosis, but I was told it was probably something as yet not discovered. I had aspirin 75mg from conception, and fragmin (heparin) from bfp (they made me test from 7dpo). I also had progesterone support. I stopped the aspirin at 24 weeks and had heparin until 6 weeks after Jess was born. The heparin injections are frustrating and can be painful, but I have my wonderful daughter now, so it was all worth it. Yes there are risks with anything, but I wholeheartedly trusted my consultant who has been amazing. They monitored me very closely for complications from the treatment I was given.

I really hope this ends your mc heartbreak. Feel free to pm me if you want to ask anymore questions about it. x
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My friend had 4 mc before they found out she had this condition she now has a beautiful boy and girl so I'm keeping everything crossed for you chick it's got to be your turn soon you deserve it xxxx
Hey hun! It's so good you've got some answers now, at least you're not in the dark about why this happened. I just hope that you'll be with us soon, you deserve it! Sending you bucket loads of baby dust, I know it will happen!
Hi there. My sister, 27 years old, have had 2 pregnancy losses at 17 weeks and 26 wks. Now she is 13 wks pregnant and her doctor suggested cerclage next week. In her newest lab test, antithrombin activity is 69/1% and hemoglobin 15; but her gynecoogist did not prescribe anything. 6 months after her first loss she has been diagnosed for type 1 diabetes. Her last A1c was 6/3. She takes one tab levothyroxin for hypothyroidism hashimoto too.
I am worried a lot about her; would she go to a hematologist for her decresed antithrombin activity or change her gynecologist for a better advices?
Hoping this is a turning point for you and would be interested to hear how it goes once you're on the meds. I have a family history of DVT and now about to start testing for blood clotting and genetic disorders after two miscarriages back to back cycles. Would love to hear a positive story!

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