Ante natal class...


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Yesterday the midwife told me about my local (very local, it's at the end of my street) ante natal class. It's a one off, 3 hour class. I don't need to book, just turn up. Theres one on 10th May (I'll be 29 weeks) or one on 21st June (I'll be 35 weeks). Also theres a one off breastfeeding workshop on 13th May and 24th June.

Which do you think I'd be best off going to? 29 weeks or 35?
We start our NCT ones 28 May when I'm 33 and a half weeks if that helps? (between 8-10pm, like us pregnant women will be awake my bed time is 9pm :sleep: )

:hug: :hug:

We're starting our parentcraft classes on tuesday when i will be 32 weeks.

Personally I get suspicious of people telling me that you don't have to book for stuff like that. So I'd go to the earlier one just in case... then if shes wrong you still have another one to go to...

I was booked in to mine by my mid wife as they where at the cottage hospital.
it was a group of 4 classes labour, pain relife, breast feeding and the last one what happnes when baby comes home and advice on cot death.

Have you got a number for them ?or just pop down to see and confirm you dont need to book in.

I'd go to all of them thye may be about diffrent things like mine was

The first one about one thing and the later one you said about breast feeding!!!! id want to go to both see if there about different things and if you can go to more then one

i learnt so much i didnt know from theses classes they where a god
send :cheer:

sarah :wave:
I'd go to the earlier one. Just because 3 hours is a long time to sit and take stuff in and the bigger you are, the warmer it is, the more uncomfy it can be. I went at 34 weeks to one class for 2 hours and was cooked, fed up and had backache from the chairs we had to sit on.

BF'ing go for the later one maybe so its fresher in your mind. Thats if you intend to BF :)
Mine are next when im 33 weeks, i've had my breast feeding one was a few weeks ago, i've got labour and pain relief next, then your newborn, and then a coffee mornign with mums and babies.

Ours is a simply turn up type thing but it was quite busy.

It's one of the only things my surgery seems to be quite good on tbh

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