Another sleep problem


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
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Up until recently I would put harper in her cot awake at bed time, and by the time I had gathered her dirty clothes etc she would be asleep or near enough asleep.

Now when I put her in her cot she does everything she can to get my attention, shout, throw her teddy out, stand up etc. she's clearly tired as yawning and rubbing eyes but she just won't give in. If I leave the room she cries and screams but if I stay she'll be playing in her cot trying to get me to play too. Some nights she's taking over an hour to go to sleep.

I have tried a later bed time thinking maybe she wasn't so tired but that hasn't worked. It doesn't matter what time it is she'll still do the same. I have tried CC in the past and I really didn't like it, I didn't want to have to do it again but it seems to me that's the only answer? I can't think of any other way she's going to go to sleep otherwise. If I'm in her room I'm too much of a distraction, but if I'm not she will just cry :(

Anyone else have another idea? I need to do something because it's taking up the majority of my evening. X
Ah, it feels like Harper and Jess are following very similar patterns. Jess has been like this for a couple of weeks now, I thought it was post-xmas hype, but no. She seems so wired around bedtime now whereas before she went down quite quickly and well. I've put it down to the fact she's started walking and having a little language explosion with new words every day now.

I don't know whether you saw my post about moving to a bed, but I have spider baby on my hands so cannot keep her in the cot any longer. Gone for a low bed, and I lie next to her now at bed time, sing her a few songs, then shush her. No hands involved, and she does seem to be responding to this well after a week or so. I never managed controlled crying at all, and now its off the menu due to our sleeping arrangements.

I'm beginning to feel like the sleep thing is outside my direct control now, and all the "sleep training" stuff seems to be to keep us as parents sane whilst Jess works this out for herself???
Currently sat outside my LOs room while he screams. Never had issues him going down but last 3 nights he has woken and won't return to sleep and now he won't settle. At a complete loss and always get emotional when he crys. Would love a major wand right now xx
Currently sat outside my LOs room while he screams. Never had issues him going down but last 3 nights he has woken and won't return to sleep and now he won't settle. At a complete loss and always get emotional when he crys. Would love a major wand right now xx

It's horrible isn't it :( I hate hearing harper cry, she gets so worked up too and I end up feeling terrible. Xx
Ah, it feels like Harper and Jess are following very similar patterns. Jess has been like this for a couple of weeks now, I thought it was post-xmas hype, but no. She seems so wired around bedtime now whereas before she went down quite quickly and well. I've put it down to the fact she's started walking and having a little language explosion with new words every day now.

I don't know whether you saw my post about moving to a bed, but I have spider baby on my hands so cannot keep her in the cot any longer. Gone for a low bed, and I lie next to her now at bed time, sing her a few songs, then shush her. No hands involved, and she does seem to be responding to this well after a week or so. I never managed controlled crying at all, and now its off the menu due to our sleeping arrangements.

I'm beginning to feel like the sleep thing is outside my direct control now, and all the "sleep training" stuff seems to be to keep us as parents sane whilst Jess works this out for herself???

I really thought we had gotten somewhere recently with her sleeping, it improved dramatically. But now it's like we're taking ANOTHER step back :( she's never been a great sleeper as it is so I should be use to it really but after 13 months of this it's really wearing me down now. I'm not even back at work yet either, had an accident when harper was 6 months old and had to have knee surgery, but I'm coming to the end of my recovery and could be back to work in a matter of weeks. I dread to think how I'll cope then.

I have noticed too lately harpers language is coming on loads, I did wonder if it was connected with her sleep? Like her brain is struggling to switch off. She wakes up in the morning and babbles away immediately, it's as if she's been practicing it in her head all night!

She has also cut her naps down from 3 a day to 1 a day. I'm wondering too whether she's overtired come bedtime? I have tried to put her down for a short nap afternoon time to see if it would help but she will not nap. She just gets herself so worked up.

That's a good point about the sleep training, no matter what I've tried, what routine I've tried etc from a young age, she's always done what she wanted. Nothing has made a major difference really. X
The thought of back to work is worse than the reality. I've been back 8 months now. It is tiring but once you're in a routine it's no worse than being at home. In fact some days it is nice to have a break when you've had a bad night.

Jess is down to one nap too. The transition is hard, we have the same problem, even if she has a 30min nap in the buggy, she may not go down for the rest of the day! If I get her down at 11.30 to 12 though, she can sleep 2.5hrs which is nice!

Harper sounds like she is really doing so well in everything other than sleep (which doesn't sound like it is anything you can contol anymore than you are), so remember you are doing a fab job.
Sounds very much like harper! Some days she'll only have a half hour nap, but if she holds out until 12ish she'll sleep longer. Good to know there are other babies that don't like much sleep. Not so good for us tho ha.

I think it's just one of those things that I'm gonna have to go with the flow. She is defiantly a lot better than she was months ago, just this recent hiccup. X
I took Lucies cot side off and lied next to her for 2 nights while she drifted off when I had this at 1. I then gradually moved closer to the door. She now has a drink and has this in bed and I am able to leave her wide awake and she sips her water and falls fast asleep in 5 mins as we have a vid monitor so I can see her. I tried cc but she used to get so worked up she'd be sick :( so we went for the softly approach. Oh and I can count on one hand how many times she has got out. I think she just didn't like being restricted in the cot x
It's interesting that by putting your LO in a bed has helped, it's also helped fliss LO too by the sounds of it. Maybe that's the way forward. I just can't imagine putting harper in a bed yet, she seems too small still!

We only have a cot, no cot bed, so would have to buy a new bed if we try it. If it didn't work we wouldn't really have anywhere to store the bed until we needed it again. Hmm. X
Did you guys come up with any solutions??

Only just seen this. My daughter still is a hit and miss at night tbh. Is your LO in a cot or bed? I found once I put harper into a bed she did become better, for a while anyway! Also by cutting out naps or having a short nap before lunch helped too. If harper has an afternoon nap she's not ready to sleep until about 9-10pm! She still takes a while to fall asleep most nights and I'm in and out her room until she's asleep, which can take a while sometimes. But generally now she sleeps through until the next day. On the odd occasion she'll wake at night and stay awake for an hour + but its not that often anymore. Sorry I dont have much more advice. Everything has been trial and error, sometimes something will work and another week it wont work! Lol. I'm just going with the flow now. Hope you get it sorted, sleep problems are the worst! Xx
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It just feels like amongst my friends we have had the worst time when it comes to sleep which is pretty much all anyone wants (after healthy little one). This week I've had 2 really bad nights getting her to sleep, then last night she went to sleep immediately after the exact same routine and tonight she is really fighting it. I feel so upset with the situation. It's not like I'm not getting sleep but we both work full time have little to no help and now the precious few hours we had on an evening to eat dinner are being used up listening to screaming. We do keep checking on her but it's just so frustrating.
starryeyes not sure on the whole cot vs bed thing as our toddler is only just 14mths so think she's a bit young yet but I hear you with the frustration, think our lil miss teething badly atm with molars as she is fighting bedtime bigtime and I almost cry into my tea when I hear her, my hubby works away during the week so its hard for me sitting there listening to her, knowing its for her own good to settle herself (once other needs are met like milk, nappy and medicine if needed) and that I wont help the matter much by going in as then get the screaming when I leave again...

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