Another RMC testing question?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
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I feel like I am being such a nag with questions about these tests.

This question is solely about the blood test that they do and then repeat 6 weeks later...what is this testing for? I ask as we are not going to ttc before the first RMC appointment but I want to start after that, before we go back for second appointment. My reason is, I am having an op for my endo and have read its best to get pregnant within first year from having it done as the endo can come back so obviously don't want to waste any more months waiting to possibly be told all is fine etc x
From what i remember they do chromosome tests (1 viall from you and hubby) and then they take lots more from you to test for clotting issues and something called lupos?

Sorry i can't remember all the medical terms! If they told me in easy terms
I would have remembered everything lol xxx
Theyll do a blood count as well (to rule out anemia) but i'd already had that xxx
Thanks hun. We had the chromosome blood tests yesterday as they lost the pregnancy tissue from last MC and gave us the bloods after it being their mistake. I am sure I have read about one blood test they do in particular and then repeat that one blood test 6 weeks later? I am just wondering what it is for but I may be getting confused and there may just be one lot of bloods x
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They only tested me (and OH) once hun so I can't help! Sorry!

I would ask when you are there to know for sure.

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Thanks Carnat. I have just gone google crazy and found what it was. Its the antiphospholipid syndrome testing which looks for particular antibodies. I have copies of my recent bloods taken just after my last MC and it said no antibodies found so don't know if that's related. I will definitely ask when I go. I am just being a control freak and trying to work out, to the day when we will be able to ttc again x
When i went back for repeat bloods they took 5 vialls - they took 8 the first time xxx
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My goodness, that's a lot of blood!!! x
I know! As long as theyre being thorough, they can take what they want xxx
Thanks Carnat. I have just gone google crazy and found what it was. Its the antiphospholipid syndrome testing which looks for particular antibodies. I have copies of my recent bloods taken just after my last MC and it said no antibodies found so don't know if that's related. I will definitely ask when I go. I am just being a control freak and trying to work out, to the day when we will be able to ttc again x

I was tested for that and only had one set of bloods taken for it but the results got messed up when was written on the computer and I fell pregnant before getting it done again. It makes you prone to clotting and can cause miscarriage that's why they think I might have it. Commonly it's called Hughes syndrome. They have their own website makes interesting reading. That's why I take clexane a lot xxx
Hughes syndrome is a part of lupus - i researched it earlier xxx
I think i might have a clotting issue, would you consider taking baby aspirin just in case or r u gonna wait for test results? Xxx
I don't actually think I have the clotting issue as was told its unlikely with already having a son (but of course, anything is possible) but would rather it be ruled out. I am hoping the fact that my bloods showed no antibodies is a good thing is regards to that.
I was reading all the MC stuff from our appointment letter and it does say that repeat the bloods after 6 weeks, I hope they don't say we can't ttc between the appointments cos I do not want to waste anymore time x
I thought that if i got pregnant again they wouldn't take bloods but my hcg didn't drop until the week before my follow up bloods and the doctor said hcg doesnt affect the tests and they would still take them. No-one told us to wait, they just said have a period before trying again xxx
I thought that if i got pregnant again they wouldn't take bloods but my hcg didn't drop until the week before my follow up bloods and the doctor said hcg doesnt affect the tests and they would still take them. No-one told us to wait, they just said have a period before trying again xxx

That's what I thought too, on my forms it says you can't already be pregnant on the first appointment so I am hoping it will be fine to try after that. I am getting desperate to ttc again. Are you ttc again yet hun? x
I am also desperate! We 'danger poked' 36 hours for ov and i am now DESPERATE for a bfp lol the stress is back.
I've started on baby aspirin just in case.

When are your first set being taken? Xxx
My appointment is not til end of November Grrrr, everything is a waiting game. I hope your danger poke results in a bfp x
Ahhhh thats soo long i feel your pain :( are you not enjoying the break? I met my new born niece and it has made it impossible to continue the break.

I'm not too hopeful about this cycle but gonna really try next month. I don't know if it's reckless seeing as there could be an issue but i can't help it :/

I really hope the time speeds by for you xxx
I am not enjoying the break really, it feels like months are passing by that could have been the month for my forever baby. I feel a bit lost really, just waiting for appointments, operation and numerous blood tests.

When are your results due back?
I saw the head gynae consultant at my usual hospital the other day and she also investigates miscarriages (wasn't told this otherwise would have got referred to her!!) anyways, she said in most cases, 3 miscarriages is still incredibly bad luck and women go to the RMC after 3, get pregnant and have successful pregnancies, but not from any treatment but just that it works out that time. It reassured me a bit x

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