Think we should have a new forum for MIL's
My MIL works during the summer season, her hours are 1pm-9pm, fair enough she dosnt see much of Matilda during the summer but she expects my hubbie to pick her up every night (this is 7 days a week from May-beginning Oct), which fair enough he does, BUT she then gets him to bring her round here, she then sits here for an hour, hour and a half hoping that Matilda will wake up???????, she keeps going into bedroom to have a look and it's doing my fookin head in!
The evenings are the only time i get to catch up on my emails etc, browse the forum
and i feel guilty if i dont sit and chat to her, she's here now, yawning her head off, it also means hubby has to go out again to take her to her house!!!!
she also INFORMED me yesterday that she wont be working next summer, she's going to look after Matilda while I work - WTF,
we havent even discussed between ourselves NEXT year and theres no way she's gonna have her as Matilda would be stuck indoors ALL day, would not be taken out, to the beach, etc etc, basically my daughter wouldnt have a summer, i'm not stressing bout that at mo as who knows what will happen then, I'm jus pissed off that she comes round EVERY fookin nite and DH sees nothing wrong with it
rant over

My MIL works during the summer season, her hours are 1pm-9pm, fair enough she dosnt see much of Matilda during the summer but she expects my hubbie to pick her up every night (this is 7 days a week from May-beginning Oct), which fair enough he does, BUT she then gets him to bring her round here, she then sits here for an hour, hour and a half hoping that Matilda will wake up???????, she keeps going into bedroom to have a look and it's doing my fookin head in!

The evenings are the only time i get to catch up on my emails etc, browse the forum

she also INFORMED me yesterday that she wont be working next summer, she's going to look after Matilda while I work - WTF,

we havent even discussed between ourselves NEXT year and theres no way she's gonna have her as Matilda would be stuck indoors ALL day, would not be taken out, to the beach, etc etc, basically my daughter wouldnt have a summer, i'm not stressing bout that at mo as who knows what will happen then, I'm jus pissed off that she comes round EVERY fookin nite and DH sees nothing wrong with it

rant over