wanna see my family - rant sorry


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
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I live in Greece, my mum, dad, siblings etc all live in UK, i mentioned to DH the other day that I'd like to take Matilda to england for a few days and see my family - well you'd have thought I was asking the world!, he dosnt want me to take her, his excuse she's too young!!!!!!, I wouldnt be going until at least April/May when the direct flights start so she will be practically a year old,
anyway, tonite MIL rings to say that SIL (who lives on mainland greece) is coming on Saturday with her daughter (5) for a few days and everyone is over the moon, yes I get on with my SIL and it will be lovely to see her but no-one bats an eyelid when she comes for a month at easter and then 3 months in the summer (without hubby) and has been doing so since her daughter was 3 months old and yet when I wanna go and see MY family for a few days the whole bloody inlaws get involved and say it's unfair of me????? :think: My hubby is totally against it - why I dunno
other thing is that my MIL thinks that me and Matilda are going to go with her to visit my SIL for a week in March - no sorry if i'm going anywhere it will be england - and DH will 'let' me go to his sis's with no probs!!!!
other thing before we can go ANYWHERE have to find nearly 500euros to get my passport renewed and Matilda a passport.
sorry so long needed to let off steam a bit!!!!!!
Just do what YOU wanna do hun! Its important that your LO knows her family too, and its very unfair of your OH and his family to want to keep you all to themselves. Just do it anyway! :hug:
Thanks girls, I was jus a bit upset earlier, I havent seen my family since August and then they were only here for 2 weeks and TBH have been feeling a bit down last couple of months and need some pampering. DH is fantastic with baby etc but for some reason he dosnt want me to take her to england on my own - prehaps he thinks we wont come back!!!!!! :roll:

cant afford to get the passports done at mo anyway :(

I'll speak to my sis-in-law at w/e as she'll be on my side and will back me up!!!! :)
can your parents help with the passport problem. I'm sorry to say that your DH sounds totally unreasonable.
Its bloody shocking how much passports cost to issued abroad isnt it! I have to get mine renewed here on Friday and its way more than in the UK!

Its actually easier to travel with a baby than an older child hun, tell your hubby to get over himself and get yourself back for a visit!
Are we talking about Greek MIL? Oh my god you poor thing. I'm Cypriot and now how manipulating and controling they can be (luckily both our families are in the uk..we were born and raised over there then moved here by our choice).

Yes you have a right to go if you want and when you want, but i know why your upset. They can make you feel so bad.

Good luck with talking to SIL...maybe she can twist them for you.
If you wanna visit your family then you should.. tell you Oh to mind he's own business :lol: :lol:

Can you parents help with the cost of a passport? :hug: :hug:

I agree you have everyright to go seeyour family and would be so nice for Matilda to see them too!!
Hope he comes around to it maybe your family could help you out with the costs then you can just book it and tell him your going :hug:
Hun, I am so sorry... I kinda guess I understand the whole in law thing too. My ex is spanish and spanish MIL and co. were very overbearing too. My question is as follows - why is your passport so much - just looked on the webpage for british consulate for greece, and it says 170 € for an adult passport and 109 € for a child. On the other hand, you might be able to get a greek passport for LO, it may be cheaper. In Spain, the cost of a brit passport is similar to Greece, but a spanish passport only costs 17€ :shock: So Ani has a spanish one and I have a brit! :cheer: :cheer:

Check it out and good luck, also maybe your family can help. Also, the business about babe being too small is bollox - I took Ani to the UK, and I travelled alone with her, at the age of 4 months - no probs at all.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

had hoped to speak to sil while she was here but in 3 days only saw her for a max of 30mins! That's how long she saw Matilda for!, she was 'too busy' with her friends to spend some proper time with her ONLY niece!!!!! I am gonna double check the cost of the passports as I may have misread it and then keep an eye on the cost of flights once the direct ones to UK start, and yes the greek inlaws are much more overpowering,
thanks for the support girls, you're all great

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