Another apnoea attack :(

Just when I thought he was over the worst of it, Damien had another apnoea attack in the car :cry:

I had driven DF to the local town (about 15min away). On the way back Damien was awake and chatting, then he went quiet. I thought he had fallen asleep until I went to get him out the car and he was floppy and lifelessn. I flicked his feet and called his name like they taught me to do and was starting to proper panic when he finally came round and started to breathe again. I phoned the out of hours doc and they said go straight to A&E. My friend came with me bless her so that I wasn't on my own. When we got there his SATS were low (blood oxygen levels). They should sit at about 99-100%, but his were about 85% showing he definately had an attack. They wanted to test it again in an hour and it went up to 94%. And hour later they checked it again and it was 95% so they were happy to let us home as we have a monitor for his breathing.

I didn't think I'd be doing that again. S**t the life out of me. They think maybe the hot weather spurred it on but if he has another one then he has to referred back to the paediatrition. The nurse on shift thinks it will probably something he may have to deal with for life as he is having them at quite an old age now for a baby.

Couldn't fault the staff at all. We were in there 5mins when we were called into triage and then straight into a room in Resus (because his SATS were low). Then we got put in our own room round the side with lots of toys for him to play with. He was so good bless him, the poor mite doesn't even know how much he worries me :cry:

Sorry to have a moan again, I just needed to let this out, I was fine all the time in hospital but I've got home and I'm just crying my eyes out. No sleep for me tonight :(
Hi Hun

I am soo glad he is okay must be so frightening i cannot imagine.
He seems like such a strong little guy.
I would be crying just like you but at least hes okay .
Hope you got some sleep .
xx Katrina
Oh no Sami how awful for you :(

I'm so glad Damien is ok now xx
Awww Sami, how horrible, you're so strong to be able to deal with this, fingers crossed that's the last time.

I hope so, had an awful sleep last night, just kept thinking I was going to wake up to the breathing alarm. This child of mine is determined to send me grey at 20
aw Sami, and poor Damien :( How is he today?
Sami... that must really scare you - I just can't imagine! You're doing a great job with Damien and I can't help but notice your mature attitude to it all. Well done girlie... Damien is blessed to have a mummy like you!

Emilia xx
Thanks Emilia, I don't know how else to cope, feel like I'm a bit useless most of the time as there is absolutely nothing I can do to make it better or stop it happening, only watch out to see if it does happen.

He seems okie today, bit grouchy but not too bad. I've got to keep a close eye on him in the next few days but hopefully it was a one off due to the heat or something.
Oh Sami, it must be so hard on you!!! sending you hugs <<<<HUGS>>>>

Poor lad, I think it's better for him if he does not realise what happens! You have dealt with it with so well! well done you!

Mel xx
Been speaking to some friends on my prem baby forum about last night's episode, and they have let me know how serious last night really was. About how bad his SATS were, how he should be seeing a paed again and how he should have special monitors all the time now.

What have the paeds say when he goes in??Have they upped or changed his meds?Have they not considered a sats monitor at home?Or do you already have one?And sorry for all the questions but isn't he under a paed now?Sounds like he neeeds sorting bless him...sats of 80 are NOT good....did they give him o2?
OMG Sami!! Just re-read your post!! Damien ISN'T under a paed?????

That is BAD BAD BAD!! He should be as he reflux sounds about as bad as it get, especially as he is having these cynotic episodes.

I would certainly enquire as to why he's not being seen very Carla* said, those sats are a worry. Emma* has been hospitalised several times and while she had some pretty impressive desats during feeds or an chokey fit they never STAYED down like Damiens did.

Maybe it would be worth pushing for more investigations? Have they suggested a barium swallow/ repeat ph/ bloods/ x ray etc???

Feel like such a naive idiot :cry:

*(Names have been changed to protect identity)*
Sami why do you feel like an idiot?

You most definitley ARE NOT!

It's not your fault your doc hasn't offered you this yet, you have done everything you can to get help for him....Yes, chase up your GP or HV, but don't EVER think you aren't doing a great job with him, because you ARE.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
aww, sami... i don't know what to say except ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))
Hi Sami

You did bloody well so be proud of yourself. You did exactly what they told you and didn't run round screaming which I think a lot of people might have done.

You are not stupid you are brilliant. How can you expect yourself to know this stuff - this is not an every day thing to have to cope with.

How is Damien today? I expect he's like nothing happened and it's you who's suffering.

I'm sorry I don't have any advice but I am thinking of you and have lots of encouragement if that's any help :)

Take care sweetheart
OMG sami how scary for u, hope damien is feeling better soon! and i really hopes this isnt a life thing for him bless him

im gonna soind really silly but wot happens in these attacks and do u get a warning?
Thank you for your support girls. I've been speaking even more to the other girls and it's making me realise how bad my hospital is, but they too say it isn't my fault. It's so so bloody hard sometimes when you know you're little boy is fighting something when I don't know what is causing it and I'm pretty powerless. It's scary. Such is parenthood I guess. I just never thought things would get like this.

Sarah, there is no warning, he just stops breathing sometimes, goes blueish, floppy and lifeless. I just have to watch him and catch it if he isn't on his sleep monitor.
oww hunni hope your feeling ok, and poor lil Damo.

your doing every thing you can it must be so hard to even leave him alone.

(((hugs))) to you both

your doing a great job, ild never cope
Am so sorry to hear about poor Damien (and you) babes. I thinking of you guys loads, will give u a shout in the week.

I hate hospitals, after having bad post natal treatment after my c-section and then being treated like shit when I was rushed to hospital a few months ago, I give up with the NHS - I think it stands for;

No Hospital Service !

Tell me about it. I'm fuming now. Speak to you in the week hun, we still have to arrange a date to meet up. xx
Oh Sami, I've only just read this. What a weekend you have had hun.

I'm glad Damien is better now, and it is good that he has no idea what happened to him. You have coped so well through everything that has been thrown at you, so don't ever say that you feel useless and stupid. You are a great mum, and Damien couldn't wish for more love.

What are you going to do about the hospital? Are you going to compain????

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