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Annoyed (Rant Alert)

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
:mad: sorry for the rant ladies, but just have to vent.

most you guys know that we have just gone through our second loss, well my mum knows and also OH's mum and they are both trying to be suportive but i found out tonight that not only has mum told my sister but also a family friend :mad: Me and Oh are private people and i told them not to tell ANYONE! feel so angry.

Dont get me started on MIL, everytime i see her now, all she says is "why did this happen again" "what tests are they doing" "i wonder if this will ever happen" blah blah blah


and :brat:
oh thats thoughtful of her!!!

just let it wash over you hon...easier said than done i know...

You rant away, you have every reason to, i think some family and friends get carried away sometimes and they dont realise what they are doing. As for your MIL, id have a quiet word with her, tell her exactly how shes making you feel hunny but if you not feeling up to it ask your hubby to speak to her. Sending you massive :hugs: hunny x x

Oh you definetly rant away this is the best place to do it! People should respect your wishes that isnt fair! Hope you feel better soon!
Ye i know hun, thing is my MIL is like this all the time about everything, she frequently offends people without meaning to as she is pretty straight to the point.

Think i will get OH to have a word. He already had to have a word with her the week we were having scans, to tell her not to keep popping round as i didnt want visitors, her response was "shes been on her own all week" :wall2:
You rant away, there are plenty of us to listen to you x :hugs:
Rant away hun, that was a bit thoughtless of them both *sigh*

When you get pregnant next time, will you just keep it to yourself? (apart from us of course :petal: )

By the sounds of it she means well and thinks she is helping but it doesnt help that she is doing the complete opposite and driving you mad. Id speak to your hubby and get him to have a word.
And just think in 4weeks time, you will be having time to yourselves, relaxing with no-one interfering :) x x

Thanks girls, sometimes i feel like i'm over reacting to things, my OH is so laid back nothing bothers him.

Not really spoken to my mum about it as i dont want to totally go off on one and start an arguement. My MIL thinks i'm bottling things up and just pretending to cope, where as in reality i'm feeling pretty ok about things and coping really well considering :wall2:
Rant away hun, that was a bit thoughtless of them both *sigh*

When you get pregnant next time, will you just keep it to yourself? (apart from us of course :petal: )


100% yes princess, not telling anyone.

i kept it quiet both times and didnt tell my mum or MIL until things went wrong and that was only because i had to go for the D&C, my MIL works in the ward i went to for surgery luckily she wasnt working that day :shock:
By the sounds of it she means well and thinks she is helping but it doesnt help that she is doing the complete opposite and driving you mad. Id speak to your hubby and get him to have a word.
And just think in 4weeks time, you will be having time to yourselves, relaxing with no-one interfering :) x x

It will be BLISS! counting down the days :dance:
:hugs::hugs:Awwww hun, i dont blame you for ranting away! I'd have added in a few swear words for good measure if that was me!!
Totally understand why you're annoyed, it's extremely rude of your mother to discuss it with people after you have asked her not to, grr :(

Hope your OH can persuade his mother to be more sensitive.

I'm sure their trying to be as supportive as possible sweetie, I understand that your a private person and therefore don't want other people- other than the carefully selected few knowing about your loss but I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt you.

So sorry about your two losses I've been pregnant once and I lost that baby so can't imagine how hard it is to go through it a second time.

All the luck for the future hun xoxo
Sorry hun, hope your ok :hugs:

I kinda felt the same after my second mc, people were being so insensitive saying things like "I wonder what's wrong with you" and "maybe it's all your stress causing them" Totally didn't help, I wished I hadn't said anything to them at all. I think with some people of an older generation, they maybe didn't talk about mcs so openly so they weren't as aware of them happening as we are nowadays. The midwife said to me 2 mcs was pretty common and not a cause for concern.

It will happen for you xxx
I kinda understand how you feel hun with regards to your MIL. I've had people say all sorts to me recently; "just relax and it will happen" "there must be something wrong with you" oh and my favourite of all time "at least you can get pregnant easily". I understand that people think they're being supportive or whatever, but seriously, STFU.

Hope you feel better soon hun, I'd have a word with your husband to just tell your MIL that you're fine and don't wanna talk about it and that its a private thing between you and your husband. And yay only 4 weeks till your holiday woo!
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oh hun, how have you not throttled your MIL! how insensitive! hope you are Ok and strong enough to ignore it xxx
No need to be sorry hun, rant all you want.. Were here to listen.. Its very upsetting when people tell your buisness when you dont want anyone to know.. It happend us when we found out what was wrong with my baby, OH sister told her friend who then told her 11 year ol daughter! When we asked her not to tell anyone! Massive hugs xxx

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